23-05-2012 12:52 AM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... | Edited by
Kariel Win 25-05-2012 08:15 PM
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
[ENG]In this thread you can leave your comment, questions about our two contests.
[PT]Neste tópico você pode deixar seu comentário, perguntas sobre os nossos dois concursos.
- Best Friend (Melhor amigo)
- Choose a present (Escolha um presente)
PS: Voces podem postar suas perguntas em português também 
TUTORIAL: How to add an image? |
23-05-2012 05:21 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Darusio Moderator

Posts: 206
Joined: 04.04.11
Is the competition Best Friend I need to make a friend in a drawing program? Can I do it on paper, scanned and put here? Do you even have to include a picture if I could just write who would be the best friend and why? |
23-05-2012 07:53 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
Darusio wrote:
Is the competition Best Friend I need to make a friend in a drawing program? Can I do it on paper, scanned and put here? Do you even have to include a picture if I could just write who would be the best friend and why?
Yes, you can make it on paper.
About your explanation, you write in the post(not in the paper). |
23-05-2012 09:52 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
Does it have to be a drawing?
Can it be a screenshot ingame?
How can I upload the drawing/screenshot because I did save it as PNG |
23-05-2012 10:02 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
Spudmuffin wrote:
Does it have to be a drawing?
Can it be a screenshot ingame?
How can I upload the drawing/screenshot because I did save it as PNG
You can upload your pic in sites like:
after you post the direct link here
Also you can use this option:
23-05-2012 10:04 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
What if it was a drawing OF the screenshot? haha |
23-05-2012 10:09 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
deusasorcererops Fun seeker

Posts: 10
Joined: 23.05.12
I have a question, when I send my msg for the FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012, I forgot to send with a photo, but I send again... The problem is... I can't delete the first message.
Can you help me?
Thanks |
23-05-2012 10:28 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
deusasorcererops wrote:
I have a question, when I send my msg for the FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012, I forgot to send with a photo, but I send again... The problem is... I can't delete the first message.
Can you help me?
No problem, I will delete your 1st post. |
23-05-2012 10:48 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
deusasorcererops Fun seeker

Posts: 10
Joined: 23.05.12
Kariel don't kill me
But I forgot to write "FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012".
So PLEASE, consider the last post?
Thankssss so much *-* |
23-05-2012 11:03 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Lady Tynha Newbie

Posts: 5
Joined: 23.05.12
O post deve ser necessariamente escrito em Inglês?
23-05-2012 11:10 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
deusasorcererops wrote:
Kariel don't kill me
But I forgot to write "FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012".
So PLEASE, consider the last post?
Thankssss so much *-*
I saw -.^
But no problem 
Just pay more attention next time. |
23-05-2012 11:11 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... | Edited by
Kariel Win 24-05-2012 12:59 AM
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
Lady Tynha wrote:
O post deve ser necessariamente escrito em Inglês?
Se você não souber escrever em Inglês, você pode escrever em Português.
【ツ】 Seu texto deve ser postado em Inglês.(Caso você tenha alguma dificuldade em escrever em Inglês você pode pedir ajuda para alguem da nossa equipe). |
23-05-2012 11:12 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
Is there a way to edit my post so I can add my picture? |
23-05-2012 11:21 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Lady Tynha Newbie

Posts: 5
Joined: 23.05.12
Ok!Thanks  |
23-05-2012 11:23 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
Spudmuffin wrote:
Is there a way to edit my post so I can add my picture?
Post your pic in other post, that I add in your 1st post. |
23-05-2012 11:50 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
deusasorcererops Fun seeker

Posts: 10
Joined: 23.05.12
Oiii no outro concurso, sobre o presente...
Posso fazer uma montagem com itens de tibia, pra criar o presente?
Editando e tal? |
23-05-2012 11:56 PM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
K I did it now
Thanks a bunch |
24-05-2012 12:08 AM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
deusasorcererops wrote:
Oiii no outro concurso, sobre o presente...
Posso fazer uma montagem com itens de tibia, pra criar o presente?
Editando e tal?
O presente não precisa ser um item do jogo.
Você pode pegar qualquer objeto que exista no planeta Terra. HeuHeuheu  |
24-05-2012 12:24 AM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
When is the last day to submit your works?
And how will you contact us if we were to be one of the winners? |
24-05-2012 12:32 AM |
FunTibia Birthday Contest 2012[questi... |
Izeron Lord of Fun

Posts: 1137
Joined: 07.04.11
Spudmuffin wrote:
When is the last day to submit your works?
And how will you contact us if we were to be one of the winners?
End of contest - 30 June at 24 o'clock. We will post the winners in the Thread with contest. I hope I could help you  |