23-05-2012 01:34 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Kariel Win 25-05-2012 05:42 AM
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
{English version}{versão em Português}{Polish version}
Hello FunTibians!
Like I said, this month it’s our birthday!
And we have a second contest
This one is simpler
So the question is:
-> What present would you give to us or for our mascot in this birthday?
After you choose a present, explain your decision.
【ツ】 In this contest, you can make only 1 submission
【ツ】 You have to submit your works by the end of June
【ツ】 No multi accounts allowed
【ツ】 You must not break any rules of Tibia.com
【ツ】 Remember to post your character name and city that you would like to receive the prize (in case you win).
【ツ】If there are any changes in the rules, we will announce it in this thread
【ツ】You can participate in both contests. (“Best Friend” and “Choose a present”)
【ツ】If you break any rule, you will be disqualified from this contest
【ツ】Your text must be posted in English. (If you have any difficulty writing in English you can ask for our team to help you).
【ツ】The best answers will win a ticket to our lottery.
Lottery Prizes:
1st place: Dread Doll 
2nd place: Golden rune emblem + 200k 
3rd place: Silver rune emblem + 100k 
Your submissions should be posted in this thread.
If you have any questions, post in this thread.
The gold will be sponsored by Daylize

Daylize World's Trade
Have Fun! |
23-05-2012 01:34 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Kariel Win 25-05-2012 05:42 AM
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
{English version}{versão em Português}{Polish version}
Fala galera!
Como eu disse antes, este mês é nosso aniversário!
E temos um segundo concurso
Este é mais simples
Então a pergunta é:
-> Que presente você daria para nós ou para nosso mascote neste aniversário?
Depois de escolher um presente, explique sua decisão.
【ツ】 Neste concurso, você pode fazer apenas uma submissão
【ツ】 Você tem que enviar seus trabalhos até o final de Junho
【ツ】 Não é permitido múltiplas contas
【ツ】 Você não deve infringir as regras do Tibia.com
【ツ】 Lembre-se de colocar o nome do personagem e a cidade que você gostaria de receber o prêmio (no caso de você ganhar).
【ツ】 Se houver mudanças nas regras, vamos anunciá-lo nesta topico.
【ツ】 Você pode participar em ambos os concursos. (“Best Friend e Choose a present”)
【ツ】 Se você quebrar qualquer regra, você será desclassificado deste concurso
【ツ】 O envio será avaliado pela nossa equipe.
【ツ】 Seu texto deve ser postado em Inglês.(Caso você tenha alguma dificuldade em escrever em Inglês você pode pedir ajuda para alguém da nossa equipe).
【ツ】 As melhores respostas ganharão um ticket para o nosso sorteio.
Prêmios da loteria:
1 lugar: Dread Doll
2 lugar: Golden rune embleme(de sua escolha) + 200k
3 lugar: Silver rune embleme(de sua escolha) + 100k
Suas submissões devem ser postadas neste tópico.
Se você tiver alguma dúvida, poste neste tópico.
OBS.: O gold será patrocinado pelo Daylize

Daylize World's Trade
Divirtam-se! |
23-05-2012 02:24 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Kariel Win Head Admin

Posts: 1009
Joined: 05.04.11
{English version}{versão em Português}{Polish version}
Witamy Funtibijczyki!
W tym miesiącu obchodzimy drugie urodziny i postanowiliśmy zrobić dla was jeszcze jeden konkurs.
Ten konkurs jest o wiele łatwiejszy. Tematem konkursu jest: "Jaki prezent dałbyś naszej maskotce na urodziny?"
Po wybraniu prezentu, napisz dlaczego właśnie go wybrałeś.
【ツ】 W tym konkursie możesz dodać tylko jedną pracę.
【ツ】 Praca musi być umieszczona tutaj do końca czerwca
【ツ】Wklejanie prac na więcej niż jednym koncie jest niedozwolone
【ツ】Nie możesz złamać zasad Tibia.com
【ツ】Pamiętaj żebyś napisał też imię twojego chara oraz miasto do którego ma być wysłane (w razie jakbyś wygrał)
【ツ】Jeżeli bedą jakieś zmiany w zasadach, powiadomimy was o tym w tym temacie
【ツ】Możesz wziąść udział w obydwu konkursach. (“Best Friend” and “Choose a present”)
【ツ】Jeżeli złamiesz jakoś zasade, będziesz zdyskwalifikowany z tego konkursu
【ツ】Twój tekst musi być w języku angielskim. (Jeżeli znasz jakiś inny angielski niż ten oryginalny, możesz zgłosić się do nas o pomoc).
【ツ】Za najlepsze odpowiedzi dostaniecie bilet do naszej loterii
Nagrody loterii:
Pierwsze miejsce: Dread Doll 
Drugie miejsce: Golden rune emblem + 200k
Trzecie miejsce: Silver rune emblem + 100k
Twoją pracę musisz dodać w tym temacie.
Jeżeli macie jakieś pytania. Napiszcie je w tym temacie.
Pieniądze sponsoruje Daylize

Daylize World's Trade
Daylize World's Trade
Bawcie się dobrze! |
23-05-2012 12:34 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Baron Benjamin 23-05-2012 12:35 PM
Baron Benjamin Newbie

Posts: 2
Joined: 23.05.12
Your dear Dread Doll will get a very practical gift from me! No football, new outfit or the new X box 360 game... He will simply get.. wait for it...
A Knife sharpening set
This must be aquired to in time not become a cuddle-doll, but rather stay the awesome-fierce-appearing-doll he is. With his long shiny and sharp knives... |
23-05-2012 03:37 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Nini 23-05-2012 03:39 PM
Nini Newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 27.05.10
Kariel Win wrote:
-> What present would you give to us or for our mascot in this birthday?
After you choose a present, explain your decision.
Alas, I am so very pleased to have prepared for this special day!
"How?" you ask? I have purchased the greatest, the best, the most-filled-with-awesomeness-and-fun present from Hoaxette for FunTibia's little mascot...
<drum rolls>
A yellow pillow!
<sighs> "That's it?" you ask now?
Yes! It is simply the most ingenious invention yet and as proof of it, it might have even fooled you already!
Picture it!
You come back from a very tiring day out in the sewers keeping them nasty rats from spreading diseases to Thais...
Then there's nothing better to do than to get back to your cosy home and relax on your sofa chair...
That's when the Dread Doll who had placed his lovely birthday pillow on your sofa and was sneakily hiding behind your tapestries starts his famous wide giggle as all you can hear is... "Faaart!". 
Or even better as you rush to your Guild Hall as you'll be late to your FunTibia staff meeting -again-, you finally arrive and everyone is impatient just waiting for you to take the last seat, you begin to apologise for your delay as you sit down...
And all voices cease as all everyone can hear in the room is... "Faaart!"
Just as the Dread Doll breaks the silence with the start of much more laughter contagious to everyone else in the room! 
And for those and many other reasons I have chosen to present our sweetest Dread Doll with this endless source of laughs and fun with a pinch of creativity that the mascot is known to have much of!
Best wishes on your Anniversary,
Nini. |
23-05-2012 05:33 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Ixtlii Newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 23.05.12
We know that your Dread Droll is a little bit lonely and Sad.
So i would give him 1500 Demonic Essences so he can turn an other Doll into a Dread Doll!
And he never will be lonely again.
I think this is the best present ever for a lonely dread doll. |
23-05-2012 05:55 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
merigoma juwa Newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 23.05.12
if I could choose any gift, I think I'd give the "gift of speech," nothing would be too hard when they know how important is their friendship, even if their friendship can not be expressed in words, they never would forget of their friendship.  |
23-05-2012 05:57 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Juhas 23-05-2012 05:59 PM
Juhas Newbie

Posts: 8
Joined: 26.10.11
I'd give our beautiful Dread Doll a... TOOTHBRUSH AND A TOOTHPASTE!! That's because I love her smile <3
Nick:Latham Thunderbolter
City:Yalahar |
23-05-2012 06:26 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Fernanda Monteiro Newbie

Posts: 2
Joined: 23.05.12
Heyo Fun Tibia ! 
Character : Fernanda Monteiro
City : Svargrond
Hmm as a gift for the Dread Doll .... I dont think that Dread deserves just one thing.. but a combo uh?
I would give a new Tibia city, called " Dreadland " , and who you think that is gonna be the King? The Dread Doll !!
A nice city with many, many slaves, all called as " Nightmare Knights " , and they will obey, all ( i mean all ) wishes of Dread Doll ! Wearing a nice outfit called " Jester " I think that mustache will be very fun !!
Will be the perfect city with a nice and big garden where he can cultivate their carnivorous plants !
Dread Doll says : I want a raspberry juice with a mango salad and a pink flamingo ! Now! ( Like a Boss )
Slave [ Nightmare Knight ] : I'll prepare it immediately King !
And the best " Dreadland " will be the best place to find that " Dread Doll Girl " that is so hard to find in Tibia land today .. ( Dread Girls with less Hood ! )
So my gift to Dead Doll is " Dreadland " .
Because all he wants is live like a Boss! |
23-05-2012 06:28 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Brainzz Newbie

Posts: 4
Joined: 23.05.12
First, Happy Birthday FunTibia.
My greetings to our dear friend Dread Doll too.
For Dread Doll i will give a Spirit Cage made from remains of
Nightmare Shields, that belonged to Enemies called Nightmare Knights who came hunting him for so far, destroying their beloved plants where they followed him, with that cage i will bring relief to him (for having got rid of their enemies), and happines, with that Cage he can save the souls of their loved ones after death and have them around forever.
Nice to meet you Funtibia.com.
I'll be here from now, great fansite.
Seeyoulater. :* |
23-05-2012 06:29 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Brother Gregory Newbie

Posts: 2
Joined: 28.10.11
My gift to the dread doll, is a beautiful bright red Spain EURO 2012 shirt, and Mr. Dread doll himself can choose any Spanish player he wishes, and have that players name and number on the back of his shirt. Then at next June's EURO 2012, he'll be cheering for Spain, the European and World Champions, and will see them win this Euro 2012, and be the first team in history to ever win a 3 major trophies in a row. Viva La Roja!
Brother Gregory
Pythera |
23-05-2012 09:37 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
felipe13 Newbie

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Joined: 23.05.12
Sir Philipe
To our great pet I would give a pair of sickles and a whole new layer. I would give it as our mascot needs to go with sickles and a cloak of fear and panic to the heart of the bravest warriors and show that our mascot deserves due respect.
Congratulations to all the team FunTibia the work they do and they can continue with this for many more years. |
23-05-2012 10:16 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Refuse Newbie

Posts: 2
Joined: 23.05.12
Happy Birthday!
My birthday present would be a shield of care, the best present that ever existed. Looking like a soft heart pillow it can still be a strong shield, able to protect you from all evil (and the dread doll's scythes) because it contains the power of friendship and care. And friendship cannot be broken by any outsider.
Due to it being disguised as a simple pillow you can enjoy the fun effect that occurs on the faces on your opponents when they attack you (thinking you're an easy victim) and realize that you are protected by higher forces. :)
Refuse/Yalahar |
23-05-2012 11:28 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Tala The Homeless Newbie

Posts: 3
Joined: 23.05.12
-> What present would you give to us or for our mascot in this birthday?
I would give a spellwand (item) and perhaps some chameleon runes.
It's the perfect joke items. You can turn players into frog, rat and a chicken. Even better to use on humans (players) when they have turn into costume bags (dressed like monsters), That lead to a evil joke.
chameleon rune can you dress yourself just like a item, you can stay on a roof and fool people who walk below on the street to make they come up to make it to find out there is not any item there, just a true fool who foolish around.
Dread doll should stand for jokes and foolish act, Even if some hate it. But that is the point. This item/s lead you to be a perfect fool's best tool/s.
- The Perfect Fool
Tala The Homeless
Yalahar / Celesta |
23-05-2012 11:44 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Mirkaan 23-05-2012 11:45 PM
Mirkaan Newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 23.05.12
I would give the Dread Doll the best present ever!!!
It is a big: FAKE BLOOD KIT with strawberry taste..
Why would that be the best present ever? Because it's simply awesome. It could be used to play jokes on friends or foes like this example:
*Dread Doll swings its scythes and splashes lots of blood over his victim, laughing and yelling "Njahahaha you are soon dead, mohahaha!", until the victim notices it's not real blood!*
Or another one:
*Dread doll spreads a little of the blood at his ears and arms, for his victim to notice it, then plays ill and suddenly yells and fake blood squirts out his mouth and he falls on the ground playing dead for some time, then suddenly he'd say "Wanna taste? It's delicious! HUeahueUeaEHUhsua"*
Greets ^^
Candia |
24-05-2012 12:14 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
RambaShazam 24-05-2012 12:15 AM
RambaShazam Newbie

Posts: 1
Joined: 24.05.12
Character: Ramba Shazam
City: Thais
This year for Mr. Dread's birthday, I would give him the gift of companionship in a pet baby nightmare! This way he can be kept company at all times. They could have great fun, comparing each other's sythes for legs and all! What could be better than a new pet to spend time with?
24-05-2012 12:56 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
deusasorcererops Fun seeker

Posts: 10
Joined: 23.05.12
Happy Birthday!
Our Baby Monster is celebrating another year of life ...
Well ... My gift has to do with the peculiar taste of our little monster, I've seen it often savoring beetles and rotworms...
Appetizing isn't it? Ugh...
I thought I'd give this tasty fresh brain ...
I hope you enjoy .... It's just a souvenir.

Character: Deusa Sorcerer Ops
World: Amera - Thais |
24-05-2012 02:18 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
sirokslayer Newbie

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Sirook Slayeer-fidera
for a dread doll the present can be a Evilina doll of the demon´s lullaby event i can be the perfect present |
24-05-2012 08:58 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Spudmuffin Newbie

Posts: 9
Joined: 23.05.12
Honera - Spuddsy
City - Liberty Bay
The gift I would surprise Dread Doll with is:
A Nightmare Knight Voodoo Doll
Dread Doll would then be able to sweep the Nightmare Knights by just simply moving that Voodoo Doll about.
Also as Dread Doll is a clever, entertaining, and evil joker. She would also use the voodoo doll to be able to control their movements, such as making them dance hilariously in front of crowds to embarrass them.
And also making them do flips and cart wheels like there is no tomorrow.
Dread Doll will have the ultimate weapon to do the most funniest pranks on the so called "Nightmare" Knights.
This would be my gift to Dread Doll.  |
24-05-2012 10:53 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
Timoty 24-05-2012 10:56 AM
Timoty Newbie

Posts: 2
Joined: 24.05.12
To he, mmmm, I would like gift, mmmmmm, maxilla maximus! for he tame an undead cavebear (the best mount for his brotherhood outfit), and a magic wand! for he use when he go running for anyplace on the creature and making jokes in the people transforming them into chickens :D <pook pook>
Cya, have fun! ;D
Azul Rock
Askara |