28-06-2012 11:32 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
jakobmiller Newbie

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I would give your Dread Doll new and more awesome blades. The ones he has has become old and boring, so to make his smile even bigger. NEW BLADES! |
29-06-2012 03:16 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Equinox Newbie

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Character: Azsesino Oskuro
City: Thais
Well, Dread Doll is characterized by making prank & being the funniest doll of Tibia, so he deserves something that will fit his pranks.
To find his perfect present, I traveled to one of his favorite cities, Thais. So there I went to the Jester of King Tibianus, guessing who?? ... Yeah , I went to Bozo.
After doing some task for him, travelling a lot, & well falling on his pranks, I finally got his PRANK KIT!!!
With this or beloved pranker Dread Doll, can maximize his jokes & spend lots of time laughing, & enjoying himself.
Dread Doll will be having lot's of fun, & well... you have to admitted, his pranks are the best!!
Happy anniversary FunTibia! |
29-06-2012 09:07 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Scrholl Fun seeker

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Joined: 30.01.11
Which present would be the best for the FunTibia Dread Doll?
It's easy. All we have to think it's what normal women like most?
They like to get beautifull and ellegant! For that, normal women use makeups, perfume, skin lotions, and many other cosmethic products to make them forever young.
However, the Dread Doll is not a Human. It is an other race. Different from the women, the beauty for the Dread Doll is to maintain his scythes polished, and her expression a bit morbid but not losing the happiness that she spread all over his friends.
It's easy to think how the Dread Doll like to be. Just compare it to Cruella de Vil, from 101 Dalmatians. Cruella's face is morbid but she is always fashioned, with lots of different coats. She always goes trendy.
That's why, me, left Refugia, and contacted Cruella de Vil to budget a present to the Dread Doll Anniversary.
Cruella told me she has the new and revolutionary beauty salon. Then I had the idea to buy as present to the Dread Doll :
Cruella told me what the best she will have in the salon:
1- The Essence of a Dalmatian Cry Perfume: this unique perfume was made by the most wanted French "good-smelling-sniffers".
2- 104 dalmatian's shampoo: this Shampoo will make the Dread Doll hair be smooth and bright like from those beautifull dalmatians
3- Sample of Cinderella's favourite skin lotion: this rare lotion is very expensive, and only one drop of it will make all skin of your body smooth and clean
PS.: Cruella don't like people ask her where she got this lotion.
4- Walt Disney Movies: all the time in the salon, the Dread Doll can watch the Walt Disney Movies. It includes all the famous ones.
5- De Vil's Spa: The biggest Spa ever seen will be used by the Dread Doll! It's just in the left side of the Hell Hall from the salon that the Doll will see that this trip is the BEST she ever did.
"YES! I WANT ONE MORE DAY HERE!" will be the words of the Dread Doll after she pass one day at this salon!
That's the perfect present I'll give to you! Hope you enjoy it the most! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
PS.: it took me long time to Cruella answer my callings, and the daily at her salon is worth my life!
Scrholl/Refugia |
29-06-2012 10:42 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
luminis 29-06-2012 10:46 AM
luminis Newbie

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Song for Dread Doll in this link:
Luminis Et Anima
(Unitera) |
30-06-2012 12:35 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Zimmer Newbie

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To our meanie dread doll I would give a big shiny present box, with huge loop on top of it.Present box would smell like a fresh baked cookies - thats to this dread doll would feel more happy! What would be inside of the present? Unicorn? Demon trophy? No.. Inside he would find a big, angry.. Skunk! Yeah, thats right! A meany joker would get a joke himself! I bet he wouldnt mind, at the end its only a joke.. Who knows, mayby those two can team up and make jokes around Tibia together!? Happy bday!
Character: Zimmiee
City: Liberty Bay |
30-06-2012 01:14 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Holy girl Newbie

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Holy girl
Dear Funtibia & Dread Doll,
Wishing you all a very special Birthday! Keep up the great website/tibia news and of course the funny storys XD
For your 2 Year Birthday I would have to give a present to your cute Dread Doll, this present would be a way for Dread to roam the tibian lands playing pracks and having fun with the tibian inhabitants.
I would give a gift of a companion which would be a mount of a fire breathing dragon (with the same colours as Dread), Dread could use this creature to fly around tibian lands, breathing fire, teasing people and being able to travel a lot quicker or to run away after a prank!
The dragon would have special reins that attach to his legs, so to avoid his swords/daggers and be able to fly to the top of hills/structures/buildings to view his pranks from a safe distance.
30-06-2012 05:13 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Luzei Fun seeker

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Character: Luzei
City: Liberty bay
World: Antica
I believe we all want Dread doll to be happy and smile all the time so...
Id give him a lot of explosive presents! So he would be able to go around pranking everyone! That would be so fun for him and he wouldnt get bored of it. Everytime someone would open an explosive present Dread doll would show his beautiful smile <3. |
30-06-2012 06:55 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
James Dark Newbie

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I would give him a Bucket of Nightmare Babys so he can train his BEST friend himself! |
30-06-2012 07:35 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
quike87 Newbie

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Hello Funtibia.com!
What I would like to give as a present to Dread Doll is just a present made by me! An special 'Surprise dread box' that's is like a normal surprise box, when you try to open it a doll appears so fast from the inside on a big spring, but as I made by myself I putt a mini Dread doll into it to make it funniest!!! I'm pretty sure Dread will like it, 'cause he'll recibe a surprise by opening it and he'll love it when he sees himself into it!!!!! If you want a pic of it I can make it for sure!!!
Happy birthday!!!!
Zuryhan (Lunara), Venore |
30-06-2012 09:06 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Chinxila felpuda Newbie

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My gift for you guys, FunTibia staff would be simple but precious! VACATIONS on Hawaii, surfing and sunbathing with no responsibilities whatsoever, because I guess that being admin, moderator and stuff takes a lot of time and effort.
For the Dread Doll, I'd give a pair of hipster sunglasses, because not only living in the darkness might affect your vision when you come out in the sun, but having red eyes and being scary is too mainstream.
Chinxila felpuda, Pacera, Venore. |
30-06-2012 10:58 PM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Enstone Newbie

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Dear Doll... It is nearly a year since you suddenly start to appear in Thaian castle. Later you were changed to Queen Eloise... to ordinary doll... But now you are here, ready to fun like always!
So, I want you to never ever repeat it. I guess you have chosen the royal castle, because you wanted to be close to beloved king Tibianus.
That is why my gift to you is this pretty model of the King, blessed by himself and his greatest mages. No, it's not a simple doll! It is just like real king - moving, talking, everything in the same way as the real one. You can travel with it easily - see this button, here? It'll minimize to parts and you can put it everywhere.
I hope it will make you happy and you won't scare anyone in castle again.
Happy Birthday!
Enstone |
01-07-2012 12:46 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
gigaknight 01-07-2012 12:47 AM
gigaknight Newbie

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Joined: 24.12.10
Needless to point out, there can be no true party without awesome costumes.
Therefore, it would be my pleasure to give our deadful friend the very best present imaginable: a 150k gp gift card for Stan's fabulous costume shop in Venore!
Now the most dreadful creatures and foes shall assist and have fun at Tibia's best costume party ever! 
Thais  |
01-07-2012 01:55 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 | Edited by
tibiaarss 01-07-2012 01:56 AM
tibiaarss Newbie

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Player name : Akamal
City : Carlin
I think the perfect gift for our mascot would be an metal drums! because then she could play what He wanted! because by then it was not possible (where the blades cut the drums all the time ...) and only then he would be accepted in the band "Fun Nightmare"! composed of the Banshee (vocals), Undead Jester (bass) and Lich (guitar)! because once the skeleton (former drummer) became a Lost soul was no longer porssible ... (his arms are stuck ...) |
01-07-2012 06:11 AM |
"Choose a present" Contest FunTibia 2012 |
Kariel Win Head Admin

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Joined: 05.04.11
-Contest End- |