Thread subject: FunTibia - Have fun with us! :: "Best Friend" Contest FunTibia 2012

Posted by Kariel Win on 23 May 2012 01:10:24

{English version}{versão em Português}

TUTORIAL: How to add an image?

{Polish version}
HAIL! FunTibians!

This is a special month; we from Funtibia are doing our 2 years of birthday! :D
But we got a problem :(
Our mascot (Dread Doll) is sad, he walks very lonely, he is in need of a playmate, but you can help him.
We decided to create the contest "Best Friend"
So help us to create his friend.

What to do?
- Choose who could be a friend for our mascot
- You can also create your own character
- Explain why you choose/created this friend, and why will he be a good friend for our mascot?

Rules: (Important read all)

【ツ】You must post an image and in your drawing need to have the phrase:
“ Birthday's Contest 2012”

【ツ】You may submit as many works as you want(but only 1 can win)
NEW INFO: MAX of 5 friends
【ツ】You have to submit your works by the end of June
NEW INFO: It ends on June 30
【ツ】The item has to be made by you! - any kind of plagiarism is not allowed
【ツ】Save your work as PNG or BMP
【ツ】Remember that we are a Tibia fansite ;P (so don’t use graphics from other games)

【ツ】If you make plagiarism you will be disqualified in all Funtibia contests
【ツ】No multi accounts allowed
【ツ】You must not break any rules of
【ツ】 Remember to post your character name and city that you would like to receive the prize (in case you win).
【ツ】If there are any changes in the rules, we will announce it in this thread
【ツ】Your text must be posted in English. (If you have any difficulty writing in English you can ask for our team to help you).

By participating in this contest you confirm that the submitted artwork is your own creation and that it does not plagiarize someone else's work! Further, by submitting your entry, it becomes the property of By participating, you agree that FunTibia has the right to edit and/or publish the item.

Example: You will not make your own character, so you can use something that already exists on Tibia. So let’s say you think the monster Hydra it’s a good to be a new friend to our mascot, so you can make your art based on Hydra designs. And don’t forget to say why you choose the Hydra.
art by ~JuliaWestwick


1st place:
golden trophy of + golden rune embleme(your choice)
+ nightmare doll

2nd place:
silver trophy of + silver rune embleme(your choice)
+ stuffed toad

3rd place:
bronze trophy of + silver rune embleme(your choice)

Your submissions should be posted in this thread.

Any kind of question? Ask in this thread.

NEW INFO: ATENÇÃO: Não usem imagens de outras pessoas, ou que você usou em outros fansites. Nós não vamos aceitar isso e você será banido em todos os concursos feitos pelo FunTibia

Have Fun!

Note: If you are a graphic artist, you can send an application to join our staff.

Edited by Kariel Win on 25 May 2012 20:23:25

Posted by Kariel Win on 23 May 2012 01:11:45

{English version}{versão em Português}{Polish version}

TUTORIAL: Como adicionar uma imagem?

Fala galera do FunTibia!

Este é um mês especial, nós do Funtibia estão fazendo nosso 2 ano de aniversário! :D
Mas temos um problema :(
O nosso mascote (Dread Doll) esta triste, ele anda muito solitário e está na necessidade de um companheiro, mas você pode ajudá-lo.
Decidimos criar o concurso "Best Friend" (Melhor Amigo)
Então, nos ajude a criar o seu novo amigo.

O que fazer?
- Escolha quem poderia ser um bom amigo para o nosso mascote
- Você também pode criar seu próprio personagem
- Explique por que você escolheu/criou esse amigo, e por que ele ira ser um bom amigo para o nosso mascote?

Regras: (Importante! Leiam tudo)

【ツ】Você deve postar uma imagem e em seu desenho precisa ter a frase:
“ Birthday's Contest 2012”

【ツ】Voce pode enviar quantos trabalhos quiser(mas só um pode ganhar)
NOVA INFO: MAX de 5 amigos
【ツ】 Você tem que enviar seus trabalhos até o final de Junho
NOVA INFO: O concurso acaba dia 30 de Junho
【ツ】 A arte tem que ser feito por você! - Qualquer tipo de plágio não é permitido
【ツ】 Salve seu trabalho em .BMP ou .PNG
【ツ】 Lembre-se que somos um fansite de Tibia ;P (ou seja, não use gráficos de outros jogos)

【ツ】 Se você fizer plágio você será desqualificado em todos os concursos do Funtibia
【ツ】 Não é permitido múltiplas contas
【ツ】 Você não deve infringir as regras do
【ツ】 Lembre-se de colocar o nome do personagem e a cidade que você gostaria de receber o prêmio (no caso de você ganhar).
【ツ】 Se houver mudanças nas regras, vamos anunciá-lo neste tópico


【ツ】 Seu texto deve ser postado em Inglês.(Caso você tenha alguma dificuldade em escrever em Inglês você pode pedir ajuda para alguém da nossa equipe).

Ao participar neste concurso, voce confirma que a obra apresentada, é de sua própria criação e de que nao é um plagio. Além disso, através da apresentação de sua entrada, ela se torna propriedade do FunTibia. Ao participar, você concorda que o FunTibia tem o direito de editar e/ou publicar o item.

Exemplo: Você não vai criar o seu próprio personagem, porem você pode usar algo que já existe no Tibia. Então, digamos que você acha que o monstro Hydra é uma boa opcao para ser um novo amigo do nosso mascote. Logo você pode fazer a sua arte baseada na Hydra. E não se esqueça de dizer por que você escolher o Hydra.
art by ~ JuliaWestwick


1º lugar:
golden trophy of + golden rune embleme(de sua escolha)
+ nightmare doll

2º lugar:
silver trophy of + silver rune embleme(de sua escolha)
+ stuffed toad

3º lugar:
bronze trophy of + silver rune embleme(de sua escolha)

Suas submissões devem ser postadas neste tópico.

Alguma duvida? Pergunte neste topico.

Nota: Se você é um artista gráfico, você pode enviar um pedido para se juntar à nossa equipe.

Edited by Kariel Win on 25 May 2012 20:13:55

Posted by Kariel Win on 23 May 2012 01:11:59

{English version}{versão em Português}{Polish version}
Witamy Funtibijczyki!

To jest bardzo wyjątkowy miesiąc, dlatego że obchodzimy drugie urodziny Funtibii! ;D

Ale jest jeden problem:
Nasza maskotka (Dread Doll) jest bardzo smutna, chodzi samotnie i nie ma przyjaciela do zabawy, ale ty możesz jej pomóc.

Postanowiliśmy zrobić konkurs pod tyłem "Best friend" po polsku "Najlepszy przyjaciel".

Więc pomóż nam prosze stworzyć dla niej przyjaciela.

Co musisz zrobić?
- wybrać kto nadawałby się na przyjaciela maskotki
- stworzyć przyjaciela dla naszej maskotki
- opisać dlaczego właśnie stworzyłeś/wybrałeś tego przyjaciela i dlaczego nadawałby się on dobrze na jej przyjaciela

Zasady: (Bardzo ważne)

【ツ】Musisz umieścić tutaj twój obrazek z napisem na nim: “ Birthday's Contest 2012”

【ツ】Możesz umieścić obrazków ile chcesz, ale tylko jeden z nich może wygrać
NEW INFO: MAX z 5 znajomych
【ツ】 Praca musi być umieszczona tutaj do końca czerwca
NEW INFO: Kończy się czerwcu 30
【ツ】Ta praca musi być wykonana przez ciebie - kopiowanie innych prac jest niedozwolone!
【ツ】Zapisz twoją prace w formacie PNG albo BMP
【ツ】Pamiętaj że nasza strona wspiera Tibie ;P (więc nie używaj grafik(obrazków) z innych gier!)

【ツ】Jeżeli ukradniesz czyjąś prace i wkleisz ją tutaj to będziesz zdyskwalifikowany z każdego następnego konkursu Funtibii
【ツ】Wklejanie prac na więcej niż jednym koncie jest niedozwolone
【ツ】Nie możesz złamać zasad
【ツ】Pamiętaj żebyś napisał też imię twojego chara oraz miasto do którego ma być wysłane (w razie jakbyś wygrał)
【ツ】Jeżeli bedą jakieś zmiany w zasadach, powiadomimy was o tym w tym temacie

Nowa zasada:

【ツ】Twój tekst musi być w języku angielskim. (Jeżeli znasz jakiś inny angielski niż ten oryginalny, możesz zgłosić się do nas o pomoc).

Jeżeli bierzesz udział w tym konkursie, musisz być świadomy że twoja praca jest wykonana 100% przez ciebie! Po wklejeniu tutaj obrazku będzie on nim własnością Funtibii i będziemy mieli prawo do używania oraz do edytowania twojego obrazka!

Przykład: Jak nie dasz rady wymyśleć własnego przyjaciela, możesz użyć jakiegoś który już istnieje w Tibii. Jeżeli myślisz że np. Hydra nadawałaby się na przyjaciela naszej maskotki, to możesz sworzyć o niej prace i napisać dlaczego właśnie wybrałeś ją dla naszej maskotki.
Obrazek wykonany został przez JuliaWestwick


Pierwsze + golden rune embleme(your choice)
+ nightmare

Drugie miejsce:
silver trophy of + silver rune embleme(your choice)
+ stuffed

Trzecie miejsce:
bronze trophy of + silver rune embleme(your choice)

Twoją pracę musisz dodać w tym temacie.

Jeżeli macie jakieś pytania. Napiszcie je w tym temacie.

Bawcie się dobrze!

Edited by Kariel Win on 24 May 2012 23:07:28

Posted by Trashancli on 23 May 2012 18:04:10

Uhhhh, demorou mais começou!

Edited by Trashancli on 23 May 2012 18:05:47

Posted by korrado on 23 May 2012 18:46:56

Where is Polish version :(?

Posted by Trashancli on 23 May 2012 19:11:37

Trashancli wrote:
Uhhhh, demorou mais começou!

need a Polish friend to translate, but is not sure

Edited by Trashancli on 23 May 2012 19:12:35

Posted by Fernanda Monteiro on 23 May 2012 20:57:53

Heyo Fun Tibia!!!

Character : Fernanda Monteiro
City : Svargrond

I'm sure that Dread Doll needs a Friend !

I chose Mr Bugaboo!

Why will he be a good friend for our mascot? Lets see!

So i'll give to Dread Doll my Best friend, he are with me me since I was a baby
( Bye Mr Bugaboo )

Hmmm He is a kind of Phantom Ferret !

Very agile and playful , have a long and slender body covered with red fur, frequently becomes transparent and sometimes disapear completly. Have big black eyes !
The Diet is pretty easy, hes already dead , so he dont need food !
he likes constantly watch the environment around them.
The alive ferret are very very boring because they sleep like 18 hours a day !( bléh )
Mr bugaboo are dead so he never ever sleep ( Never ! ) It's Fun all the time !!

I think Dread Doll will be very happy with this new friend ! Mr Bugaboo will love walk deep in to Dread hood !

Btw , Dont problem with Dread Hugs, because the blades wont hurt Mr Bugaboo !

I did Mr Bugaboo on Paint ! Because i'm a Noob !

Posted by deusasorcererops on 23 May 2012 22:44:26

World: Amera - Thais
Charactere: Deusa Sorcerer Ops

Well .. First, congratulations for these two years of excellent work and commitment to the entire team.

Friends! All we are looking for a loyal friend to make us laugh and hang our foibles and our little friend is no different, isn't it?

Talking about our mascot lonely, I think he deserves a friend who is a partner, faithful and funny ...
A carnivorous plant and smiling would be ideal in my view, besides being a peculiar species as well as our little friend seems to be pretty fun, loves to bite and make funny noises and funny, like ...
"Tssihhh... Grup Grup..."

That would be the ideal of our little friend ...

Sorry, I don't draw so well ... hahaha
But it is more or less like this...

Thank you and congratulations.

Posted by Magical song on 23 May 2012 22:46:00

Hello FunTibia!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! For 2 years of fun :)

The Dread Doll is sad, so i found a good friend for him.

I chose a (Diabloic Imp)


The Diabolic Imp is dark like Dread Doll, his appearance is wicked, but he is very funny, because he make alot of joking.


I guess they will be a good friend becuase, He likes dark sites, walk in a dead places, go to where people are boring.
The most important is, he like to use his power for make a lot of joking,
and even if he appearance be evil, they make laught to all tibians

So im sure that Diabolic Imp can be a very good friend for Dread Doll

Magical song - - - Thais - - - Honera

Thank You
Congratulations !!!!!

Posted by Refuse on 23 May 2012 23:14:08

Happy Birthday, Dread Doll! >:)

To end your loneliness, I brought you your new best friend. You know, opposites attract, so what else could it be if not an innocent and cuddly sheep?
You see it needs you, it has to carry way too much wool around and is suffering from the heat, so the first step to tighten your friendship might be using your scythes to shear it!
But not only could it use your help, it has a lot to give in return. While you shear and protect it, it gives you some innocence, beautiful wool (so you can disguise or make a nest) and it can go as 'bait' to lure your enemies, so you two can have a lot of fun with each other - when you trust each other and cooperate.


Posted by Spudmuffin on 23 May 2012 23:54:48

Honera - Spuddsy
City - Liberty Bay

(First time ever participating in a contest and I decided to why not try them now haha)

The friend that I think best goes along with Dread Doll is , wait for it... <drum roll>...

A Nightmare Scion!

"A dog is a man's best friend"
Well I say...
A Nightmare Scion is a Dread Doll's bestfriend!

Dread Doll will certainly be happy with him.
They can go out for runs/walks and the Nightmare Scion will definitely be Dread Doll's companion for life, the nightmare scion will soon happily be standing by his side while Dread Doll on the cover photo at the top of FunTibia's site is feeding those Evil-looking Plants haha.

I heard there has been one prisoned for who knows how long in Yalahar - Arena Quarters. You should go save that poor fella ;'(

Here is a drawing of Dread Doll's soon to be Bestfriend. :

Posted by Green Horned on 24 May 2012 00:29:46

Congratulations FunTibia! Another year of great fun has past. Another year you enjoy the Tibia fans with great entertainment.

I present Dread Doll his new best friend named "Mr Laughalot"

Dread Doll is from the darker side and even though he has fun all the time, his appearance will scare people.

Mr Laughalot has a friendly appearance with a hudge smile on his face. Laughalot is convinced that even with the darker appearance Dread has, he can make everyone smile as long he walks next to Dread.

With these to happy faces walking side by side there will be no darker or enlighted places anymore, there will just be fun all over the place.

Mr Laughalot decided to dress himself in a fancy blue robe that fits his small body. He is not such a gym guy as Dread is but hes not scared of anyone cause he is convinced that with a great smile everyone walks hand in hand instead of fighting. His hat and staff give him the appearance as a fool but dont be judged by that, ones he starts talking everyone has a great time.

I present to you, "Mr Laughalot"

This has bin my very first creation for any Tibia fansite. I like the Dread Doll and I would love to see his next friend thats why I decided to join the event.

Charactername: Green Horned
Recidence of: Venore
World: Guardia

Kind regards and continue for another year of fun!

Posted by sirokslayer on 24 May 2012 02:09:04

Sirook Slayeer-fidera

this is a wisp that can be the best friend of dead doll


Posted by sirokslayer on 24 May 2012 02:13:13

[quote]sirokslayer wrote:
Sirook Slayeer-fidera

this is a wisp that can be the best friend of dead doll

Posted by abiston on 24 May 2012 05:50:30

I am laid in my bed staring my dread doll on the shelf. I can swear that its smile and humor was already better. For some reason, it seems to be epressed and lacking some creativity lately. Not even the ice cubes that make my house a bit cooler in the scorching hot desert of Darama seems to

please the doll.

In the last days I have even dealt with a Demon Mother to take care of its baby, doing everything I could to please that baby in order to get a demon doll, which in my opinion would be a great company for the dread doll and would cheer it up. However, even after accomplishing all the tasks as a

babysitter and bringing home Evelina, things went worse. Evelina just cries and it seems to contagiate my Dread Doll with sadness.

Now I cannot help wondering how I can help it. What can I do to bring its happiness, humor and creativity back?

Something sparkles in my mind. An interesting idea. Really interesting one!

I have heard that there is a famous researcher in Edron that dedicates a lot of time and efforts to study ghosts, souls and some other supernatural phenomena and creatures. I have also heard about some creatures that come back from their graves during a certain month in the year to haunt people and prank them. I cannot deny the idea of having one of these creatures at home makes me excited.

An undead jester might be the perfect company for the Dread Doll. They both have their scary and dread side, but they also share a sense of humor that is perfect to prank people and make nice jokes. I think that by sharing their jokes, pranks and tricks they will learn a lot and my dread doll will have its amusing smile back.

I stand up and make my way to the Darashian Flying Carpet and then I Fly to Edron to talk to Spectulus.

After some walking, I finally reach him. I tell him about my situation and he accepts to offer me some help. He tells me that he has been working on a device to catch dead people's soul and I offer myself to be his guinea pig. By hunting an undead jester, I can both help Spectulus do improve his new device and take an undead jester to my house to amuse my dread doll.

I offer my help and Eclesius gets really thrilled and excited. He hands me two Spirit Holders and I leave his lab.

Since it is not the "Undead Jesters Season" yet, I must find a way to "summon" a few of them or at least find two roaming undead jesters. At first I think about going to a cemetery, but I don't think it is a good idea. While thinking, something comes to my mind: Thais' Abandonned Smiley Tavern.

Not many people know this place because it is abbandoned and word has it is haunted, so people prefer to keep distance. I know that many people used to go to this tavern to drink and laugh with the Jesters' presentations. If this place is haunted, I am sure that it is by Jesters.

I head to the ship and buy a passage to Thais. Without losing any time, I head to the Abandonned Smiley Tavern. The place is creepy, full of cobwebs, old chairs and tables and a very dirty stage, with ripped curtains.

"I wish I could laugh a bit. I have been so sad lately...", I say out loud. Nothing happens. I am tense. And then I hear a thump. I look back and don't see anything. Now I am hearing some giggles. Chairs start to move as well as the curtains. The giggles get louder and then I see some Undead Jesters. Two of them, perfect!

I grab the Spirit Holder and run toward the jesters. They are laughing and talking, throwing confetti on me. I open the Spirit Holder and a bright lighthing blinds me for a moment. The spirit holders shut by themselves and I feel it trembling. The jesters are probably trying to escape.

I hurry up and go back to Spectulus to give him the spirit holder. As I was expecting, he lets me keep one of the holders. All I have to do now is going back home.

A few hours later I am at home. I put the spirit holder close to the dread doll and open it. The undead jester slowly leaves its cage and stares at the doll. In no time, they are telling jokes, playing with confettis and discussing about how to play pratical jokes.

Once again, I see the dread doll smiling and ready to amuse people.


As you can see, my drawing skills really suck... However, I crave soooooooo badly for a Nightmare Doll that I refused to refrain from posting. ^^



Posted by Gokiutho on 24 May 2012 06:29:55

I want be your friend i never will stop watch u

Uploaded with

Posted by Brainzz on 24 May 2012 18:22:41

Hello Funtibia!

Character: Brainzz
City: Svargrond
World: Pythera

I'm here to Introduce the newest friend of dread Doll.
His real name is scraggy, but everyone call him Wind Feet.

He is intelligent, active, funny, a little thief (take care with your pockets, Mr Dread), and may sound a little strange but it is the only of its kind that has immortality, gift given by Fardos (God's task was to monitor Zathroth the beginning of time) with the informations of Scraggy, Zathroth dont complete all his plans, Uman and Fardos managed to halt the plans Zathroth Brog and his son, causing several of the plans of an evil God failed, and Fardos that this also gave freedom to all the Raccoons to live on an island protected by the gods,reason of why do not you find that kind beings wandering the lands of tibia.

Scraggy sometimes down to the land of tibia to venture out and relive the memories of his adventures, in one of this visits to the tibia land he will meet the famous Dread Doll, his future inseparable friend...

In my opinion scraggy will be the best friend to Dread Doll because it has the same adventurous spirit of Mr Dread and he is very agile and fast and is useful for our Birthday boy get rid of future problems with Suricates making holes in their gardens, sometimes scraggy will steal objects from inside his coat forcing him to play with him so he can keep company with the Dread Doll on his travels and adventures searching for new types of rare carnivorous plants and mandrakes, scraggy and also may be the intermediary between him and his future passion (Could Be Implemented in a future contest), scraggy loves to sit on the shoulder of Dread doll while he takes care of your garden, it just gets a little nervous when carnivorous plants decide to bite your tail ..

Edited by Brainzz on 24 May 2012 23:54:41

Posted by Trishula on 25 May 2012 02:59:15

This is my first entry for the contest:

Character: Trishula
World: Menera
City: Thais

I chose The Punisher

What other creature in Tibia is more dreadful and mysterious than the Punisher itself? This would be enough reason for or mascot to recognize this beast as a mate. But in the dark being evil is routine, so I chose someone that is also sarcastic and enjoy having fun. You can tell by the expression in it's face when it's about to finish a mortals life... and the nipple chains :D

edit: dunno why it got small, if you click, it will enlarge!

Edited by Trishula on 25 May 2012 03:01:02

Posted by Arkindrakin on 25 May 2012 04:13:42

I chose an Undead Jester named Larry because he will mindlessly follow the Dread Doll and play whatever games he likes. He can tell jokes, do tricks and has the added bonus of casting a little spell on Friday and Saturday nights at parties resulting in drunkenness all round! Since he is undead he won't be scared of the Dread Doll when he gets angry. Larry loves Zombie movies and the Chucky series.

This little friend is brought to you by 'Arkindrakin' of Premia from Liberty Bay.

Edited by Arkindrakin on 25 May 2012 05:16:41

Posted by cones on 25 May 2012 16:09:57

Name: Koube Hitoshi
World: Fortera
City: Yalahar
Friend: Orky
Location: Any place where it is needed
Greetings people of this page the friend who chose to dread doll, that is not sad is a small orc named Orky this will help in what he can despite his diminutive size tends great courage accompany the doll dread wherever he go other than that have fun together when the raid and his friends Orky appear and attack the great city of Thais killing one another for fun despitado also invited to the orc fortrees to not only be your friend and this sad if all the great family of Orky, Orky is small and green but that does not mind the look of the person has a big heart and help in whatever doll to dread lest this sad and not only that, for a friend Truth is with you through thick and thin no matter what you say or people other creatures.This a good friendship.
Hail Fun tibia, Fortera.
Koube Hitoshi 2012 All rigths Reserved.:D

Posted by abistral on 25 May 2012 17:28:52

@Cones. :|
I dont know if you are the real author or creator of the draw you posted. I saw your ''orc work'' long time ago in some fansite (maybe TibiaHispano).

Is it your? or plagiarism?

Posted by cones on 26 May 2012 00:53:56

abistral wrote:
@Cones. :|
I dont know if you are the real author or creator of the draw you posted. I saw your ''orc work'' long time ago in some fansite (maybe TibiaHispano).

Is it your? or plagiarism?

@abistral :(
Clearly, it is because I am the creator of above work and thought of using it for the competition and I have the original work apart if you want to show you. when you want and if you have problem with my work, I can draw your own original so that I do not walk hurried toward stealing other people's jobs fair play. Luck and hope you have fun your participation.

Edited by cones on 26 May 2012 00:56:06

Posted by Timoty on 26 May 2012 06:23:13

''.trimlink('', 20).(strlen('')>30?substr('', strlen('')-10, strlen('')):'').''To the dread doll I choise one dog and one cat, but are not any dog and cat! Is one dog of Thais and one cat of my Carlin! :)))
Why? Because in rl this are my pets. One beagle and one siamese (girly), and If I'm bad they can be a very good company.
So! If your beauty dread doll turns down, I offer this two lovely creatures (and food ofc! ñam ñam xP) for start one new smile on him and the jokes begin again! Jajaj.

I try several times, but Idk how make for the image apear here like the others do, sorry (I'm newbie ok!?) here is the link x)

Azul Rock

Cya! Have fun! ;D

Edited by Timoty on 26 May 2012 07:23:08

Posted by Gokiutho on 26 May 2012 08:17:32

Some1 here find my secret msg in my picture

Posted by abistral on 26 May 2012 17:29:49

@abistral :(
Clearly, it is because I am the creator of above work and thought of using it for the competition and I have the original work apart if you want to show you. when you want and if you have problem with my work, I can draw your own original so that I do not walk hurried toward stealing other people's jobs fair play. Luck and hope you have fun your participation.

I really understand your annoy,
If you are the real creator, all I can do is say Sorry and wish you gl in the contest.

Ps: Your work appeared on TibiaHispano long time ago, so I conclude that you are spanish, I am too.
Saludos compañero :)

Posted by Lady Tynha on 26 May 2012 20:06:33

The mascot is lonely and sad!Ohhhh :(
But don't worry,I found the perfect best friend!
He was one of the jesters of King Tibianus...But one day he mades a great prank and died laughing!(literally).But he was so excited and happy that Gods decided to give him another chance.And he returned!But now your skin is gray,his clothes are black and white,but continued with the same playful look.He is the...UNDEAD JESTER!
I choose the undead jester because he is the kind of friend who makes everything in the name of fun!
First,their appearance can cause a bit of fear,like a Dread doll,but the only thing he wants is a lots of laughts!
He is the perfect friend because he never ever eats(he doesn't need hunt,so...More fun!),he never ever sleep(fun all day!) and he never tired or bored(very very happy!).Yours main characteristics are creativity and loyalty.
He has a lots of yellow pillows,spellwands,costumes bags,explosive presents and lots of fun!Tibian citizens,get ready!This duo is ready to make many jokes and tricks!
A friend for life!

Lady Elefantynha

Edited by Lady Tynha on 26 May 2012 21:29:21

Posted by Tempinho on 26 May 2012 23:32:39

I figured a good friend was the Minotaur Mage which is located in rook, they were good friends by the minotaur mage is a well dread and lonely doll is playful take it to the beach, but also the minotaur mage could tell the greatest secrets of rook .

Name: Bolex Paladin
City: Thais
1º lugar:
golden trophy of excellenceimages+ golden rune embleme sudden death
+ nightmare doll images

Posted by Elais on 27 May 2012 00:27:15

The best friend for the Dead Doll should be a Gozzler!

He has two mouths for double the laughter! He is also very mischievous and a little bit evil, but he knows how to have fun too. No matter how bad the Dread Doll's jokes are, he will always be laughing along with him (Twice as much even). :P

Sounds he makes: "Huhuhuhuuu!"; "Let the fun begin!"; "Yihahaha!"; "I'll bite you! Nyehehehe!"; "Nyarnyarnyarnyar." xD

Liberty Bay

Edited by Elais on 27 May 2012 00:40:00

Posted by Mack Kard on 27 May 2012 05:06:29

THE BEST FRIEND OF THE "DOLL DREAD" I think it would ...
Black Sheep

why? it's simple because it is BLACK, FUNNY, and a loyal friend who can take you anywhere on his back, giving a very funny sight for its small size... xD
takes reins and go to make fun of others!

Mack Kard

Edited by Mack Kard on 27 May 2012 05:09:09

Posted by junior on 28 May 2012 04:01:59

Character: Royal of Apocalypse
World: Samera
City: Carlin


I did this to our mascot friend, for he is strong enough to defend him from danger or which, as appeared by the strong, terrible and much feared, it is carious, lovely and very reliable. this is the newest pet friendly.

I made a friend who could protect our mascot, for I have this very strong and terrible dragon, while most carious and lovely. ;)

Posted by Mukkinha on 30 May 2012 02:14:46

My choice is scary but very fun "mutated pumpkin"

Who else would combine on adventures of our creepy but cute "dread doll?"
the protagonist of all the fun in one of the most entertaining and expected events of our world tibia, would be the perfect partner for the mascot of the most fun fansite of tibia!

Who would not want to see what fun surprises, entertained by these two buddy frightfully fun!!
art by ~ Mukkinha [douglas pedro]

main character : val'mukka
main city: edron
main world: danera

Posted by blade on 30 May 2012 06:00:53

Well, in my opinion, Dread Doll does not only need one friend, he actually needs several! He needs a group of friends that are able to undestand him and are able to have fun with him. Within different types of monsters, i think the monsters with blades on their hands have always been seen as fearess, or violent monsters. Therefore, since their creation, they have been known to be in a position of bad and evil. But I’m here to show (and Dread Doll will help me with that) that these monsters with blades can be as lovely as kittens. Therefore, I believe that what dread doll needs are some friends, he just needs to be part of the Gang of Blades, so he would feel at home!

The following group is formed by nightmare, nightmare scion and a insectoid worker, and they can be very happy doing things together and always having fun, for example:

Of course Dread Doll and his new friends can do a lot of things together, these were just two examples, but what happens now just depends of their imagination...Wanna try?;)

Character: Blade Lottus
City: Venore
World: Magera

Posted by Baron Benjamin on 31 May 2012 14:44:05

- Baron Benjamin
- Calmera
- Carlin

It all started with NPC Anerui putting out an add in the local Ab'Dendriel newspaper looking for an assistant in his local food shop. A lot of people applied, but the decision was easy, one of them really had what it take to assist Anerui. That was the Dread Doll. His qualifications were amazing, no one had ever handled meat and hams so good..

Even though this started as a working-relationship Anerui and Dread Doll was such a good match that they eventually became best friends. Their personalities was so similar, and they started to do everything together! I can also mentioned that when Anerui introduced Dread Doll to his younger sister another chapter started, I won't tell that story now, but know that the Dread Doll are not lonely anymore.

Happy anniversary FunTibia!

Posted by Excellent on 31 May 2012 16:24:17

Mukkinha wrote:
My choice is scary but very fun "mutated pumpkin"

Who else would combine on adventures of our creepy but cute "dread doll?"
the protagonist of all the fun in one of the most entertaining and expected events of our world tibia, would be the perfect partner for the mascot of the most fun fansite of tibia!

Who would not want to see what fun surprises, entertained by these two buddy frightfully fun!!
art by ~ Mukkinha [douglas pedro]

main character : val'mukka
main city: edron
main world: danera

You sir, have some nice drawing skills! Going to be hard to beat that ^^

Posted by Magical song on 02 June 2012 02:10:18

Hello again FunTibia!!
well, I found another good friend for Dread doll!
This time i chose [Grim Reaper]

¿Why I chose him?
Of curse they are very similar, are darkness, both have a big blade that can use for make scary too all tibians. so im sure that they can be a very good friend.

¿Why he will be a good friend for the Dread doll?
im sure that our mascot can be a very good friend for the grim reaper, they like do almost the sime things.
Who more than Grim reaper for be the best friend for Dread doll
They can spend all the time walking around In the darkest caverns, making fun, to all tibians that pass for there.
Or why not being the jester to the king Tibianus and the Queen Eloise.
There are many thing that they can do in tibia i just know that they can be very good friend [the best friend that i ever seen]
And i hope that FunTibia continue making us fun.

And CONGRATULATIONS for these 2 years of a spectacular work.

Character: Magical song
City: Thais
World: Honera

Posted by Kazu on 05 June 2012 22:33:14

I'm so sorry, but I can't figure out how to show photo here, but here is the link!

My choise of a best friend for the Dread Doll is NPC Donald McRonald. The Dread doll is sad, he walks very lonely, and has nothing to fill the days with. He is longing for someone to care about, help and someone who thinks he's needed. The farmer Donald McRonald is a hard working man and could really need a friend and helper at the farm. No one can do the job on his wheat farm as good as the Dread Doll with his scythes. The Dread doll will become the happiest, and greatest (!), farmer of all times. No more loneliness nor boring, empty days!

Name: Kazumus
World: Calmera
Town: Venore

Edited by Kazu on 05 June 2012 23:00:57

Posted by Michaldus Faeth on 25 June 2012 22:11:32

The ideal pet for dread Doll would be a Nightmare
The Nightmare would be the ideal pet for dread Doll.
Dread Doll would feel identified with the nightmare creatures that are underestimated by their appearance.
Also it would be the best friend of dread as it is said that a man's best friend is his dog (nightmare).

Michaldus Faeth

Posted by rasoir0591 on 26 June 2012 00:11:23

Dread Doll looks like he do a lot of jokes, so his best friend will be gnome (Leprechaun). Together they will make a lot of fun at this site ;].

World Isara

Posted by Zero on 26 June 2012 00:25:27


I chose this girl as a best friend for Dread Doll, her name is Scynthia and she is afictional character that came to my mind while thinking about your mascot.

Why she you ask? The answer is simple. Who else than other girl could be a friend to Dread Doll, nobody else than other girl would understand her, her fealings and thoughts. Also they have something very important in common - both of them love scythes, so they can share their hobby together. For example they can exchange thier scythes from time to time. Scynthia got a lot of diffrent scythes at her home :)

Forgot to add:
Kuro no Shinigami

Edited by Zero on 26 June 2012 00:27:27

Posted by daffodillaz on 26 June 2012 02:06:02

Let me introduce you, Ferumbras (female doll), since she and Ferumbras (doll) separated their ways long time ago, she feels so alone too. She would be a great company to Dread Doll, as far as i heard real Ferumbras (female) is also really angry that they never made her doll, even though they made his ex-husband's.

Dread Doll and Ferumbras Doll (female) would made the most successful evil allience, and who knows in the end maybe they will even fall for each other o.0 =)

Posted by Nattfasa on 26 June 2012 04:21:08

on the 20th of april, 2011 You were born into the world of tibia, Dread Doll. That would make you an Taurus according to the Zodiac. The taurus appreciate the beauty of life and in relationships the taurus is loyal. A reliable friend with both feet on the ground. According to the Zodiac the taurus fits best with the Aries.

Uploaded with
That's why i think these two cuties would fit perfect together :D
Dread doll and Aries
Name: Joker Lady
City: Venore

Edited by Nattfasa on 26 June 2012 04:34:42

Posted by denni87 on 26 June 2012 16:30:14

Character: Xelith the almighty
World: Secura
City: Liberty bay

I choose Mr Star to be Dread doll's best friend. Mr star is a loyal friend that always knows how to make someone happy when they are down. Its always a good time with Mr Star. And he is a bit of a bodybuilder so he can kick some ass if they mess with dread doll.

What more can you ask from a best friend..

And Happy birthday Funtibia

Edited by denni87 on 26 June 2012 16:32:12

Posted by Michaldus Faeth on 26 June 2012 19:31:26
A dragon would be the best friend of Dread Doll
Why a dragon would be a good friend?
A dragon could help Dread Doll to make some jokes and also can help city transported in town to play you tricks on everyone.
also it would help protect yourself
who would not want a dragon as a friend.
are noble creatures.

Michaldus Faeth

Edited by Michaldus Faeth on 26 June 2012 19:32:08

Posted by Scrholl on 26 June 2012 21:03:11


Posted by denni87 on 26 June 2012 21:36:47

Character: Xelith the almighty
World: Secura
City: Liberty bay

I choose Mr Star to be Dread doll's best friend. Mr star is a loyal friend that always knows how to make someone happy when they are down. Its always a good time with Mr Star. And he is a bit of a bodybuilder so he can kick some ass if they mess with dread doll.

What more can you ask from a best friend..

And Happy birthday Funtibia

''.trimlink('', 20).(strlen('')>30?substr('', strlen('')-10, strlen('')):'').''

Edited by denni87 on 26 June 2012 21:47:33

Posted by Elite Knigth Kozz on 27 June 2012 00:50:25

Heyo Fun Tibia!!!

Character : Elite Knigth Kozz
City : Thais
World: Unitera

I chose the Treelings Haunted by the similarity to the Dread Doll, as always knows best friends have things in common here ye their arms and their strong resemblance to evil.

why will he be a good friend for our mascot? Quite simply, the Haunted Treelings in a tree that lives in an evil spirit, but spirits will only seek to make jokes to amuse and pass it very well with his best friend Dread Doll, playing pranks, asutando people and making jokes the others.

Posted by denni87 on 27 June 2012 03:41:23

''.trimlink('', 20).(strlen('')>30?substr('', strlen('')-10, strlen('')):'').''

Character: Xelith The Almigthy
World: Secura
City: Liberybay

Here is Mr Dragon, he has been Dread doll loyal friend since the beginning, they both where born at the same time and grew up together. But when Dragons became hunted Mr Dragon had to hide to survive. Since then Dread doll has been sad and in need of his loyal friend Mr Dragon, so the question is will Mr Dragon come back to him?

Edited by denni87 on 27 June 2012 03:55:36

Posted by Elite Knigth Kozz on 27 June 2012 05:49:55

denni87 wrote:
''.trimlink('', 20).(strlen('')>30?substr('', strlen('')-10, strlen('')):'').''

Character: Xelith The Almigthy
World: Secura
City: Liberybay

Here is Mr Dragon, he has been Dread doll loyal friend since the beginning, they both where born at the same time and grew up together. But when Dragons became hunted Mr Dragon had to hide to survive. Since then Dread doll has been sad and in need of his loyal friend Mr Dragon, so the question is will Mr Dragon come back to him?

contestant image above is a dragon kidnapping of baby caricature of YU-GI-OH

Posted by jeffstarchips on 27 June 2012 11:21:16

Hello Funtibia!! Congratulations for two years!!:D

Character: Black Scofield
World: Harmonia
City: Thais

I chose the Demon Baby Doll. I think he can be a great friend to the Dread Doll, because he loves company and will always be around. It can be fun, charming, demonic, everything you need in a friend he has. It will be fun at the right time. 'll Play all the time. And how has his demon side is the perfect companion for the Dread. Together they, can they prepare in other parts of the tibia beings. And as he is still a baby the Dread Doll could teach everything he knows him. I believe they will be the best friends in the world!

Thank You!!

Posted by zexmura on 27 June 2012 20:31:37

Character: Zex Mura
City: Farmine
World: Unitera

Ok, first of all, Happy Birthday to team!! I wish you infinite fun and joy.

Dread Doll, as a great funny genius, needs nothing but a good and loyal servant. I heard that she was seen in the company of a small creature, who kept on following and yelling loud laughs after every phrase Dread Doll said.
In my research, I found out that his nickname was Gozzly. With a certain cost, I got a particular interview with him, so I can, now, make public the Dread Doll’s right arm caracteristics and peculiarities:
Gozzly was abandoned by his parents while still a young and little imp. The reason for such of a cruelty like that was his brown colored fur around his right eye. Mama told him that a sign like that could only bring bad luck to their village and Papa ordered him to leave.
Gozzlender Strabuska (Gozzly's full name) was always a small creature, even when compared to others from his own race, what resulted in his nickname, "Gozzly"
Even though life had been hitting him in the face ever since he was born, Gozzly never faced things so serious and was always playing tricks on adventurers who landed in the Yalahari Harbor, what called the attention of our friend Dread Doll.
- Dread Doll convinced Gozzly to join forces, as a loyal friend and servant, with the ideal of travelling through all Tibia, researching, discovering and playing new pranks, tricks and ways of having fun.
- Interesting facts:
- - Yes, Gozzly laughs with both mouths (Fun x2);
- - For an unknown reason, Gozzly just can’t say words with “s” correctly. The closest he's got is something like “zzz” or “sh”. Perhaps, it’s something like an accent from the alleys of Yalahar town;
- - Gozzly, when asked, says that don’t keep any bad thoughts or feelings about his parents, their decisions and creed (Gozzly only works with the present. Yay!);
- - Gozzly can use a few spells, like very weak fire and energy strike, setting small things on fire and electrifying public objects like doors, depot boxes, chairs, etc. (Just for the fun of it!)

P.S. I made this today, really hope you guys like it! :D

Edited by zexmura on 27 June 2012 20:33:54

Posted by Michaldus Faeth on 28 June 2012 05:16:37

A Medusa would be a great friend to the Dread Doll.
The Medusa is a mythical origin and dark also as the Dread Doll I believe that entenderian very well and they will be able to do many united things.
They will be a great equipment doing jokes to all in the world, transforming things into stone.

Michaldus Faeth

Edited by Michaldus Faeth on 28 June 2012 05:17:03

Posted by jakobmiller on 28 June 2012 11:39:01

Name: Lady Vaga

He need a womans company that likes a real manly company like the Dread doll. Therefor, Lady Vaga is the right person! She is sensitive, good at taking care of people and she is a vampire, which means.. That's correct.. No sleep! So she can watch over him!

Edited by jakobmiller on 28 June 2012 11:39:52

Posted by jakobmiller on 28 June 2012 11:40:24

jakobmiller wrote:
Name: Lady Vaga

He need a womans company that likes a real manly figure like the Dread doll. Therefor, Lady Vaga is the right person! She is sensitive, good at taking care of people and she is a vampire, which means.. That's correct.. No sleep! So she can watch over him!

Posted by Elite Knigth Kozz on 28 June 2012 23:05:05

Character : Elite Knigth Kozz
City : Thais
World: Unitera

I chose to dwarf geomancer as this monster like the Dead doll and a loner and because of this to appeal to the powers of the earth.

why will he be a good friend for our mascot?
The dwarf geomancer would be a great friend of the dead doll just because you felt lonely for a long time by not having much the same genre or companions (dwarf geomancer) to accompany him through life, being that this being has learned to use the powers land and the fire could enjoy many days in their field and scaring people with their evil

Posted by abistral on 29 June 2012 03:58:17

Note: All histories presented bellow is the result of Abistral's imagination and they could be not real in Tibia.

The perfect friend for Dread Doll is a Undead Cavebear.
It would be the perfect pet and a good partner too.
The Undead cavebear can also transport Dread Doll in a faster way around all Tibia lands to carry out
their funny jokes and then run away from numerous angry people, caused by their practical jokes:P.

After 2 years of traveling to different cities of Tibia, The dread doll observed that many people had their own mount. And he thought that with a new mate they would make better practical jokes.

There were rumors of the existence of a sort of ''undead monster'' that was possible to be tamed with a rare tool called Maxilla Maximus.
This tool was extremely rare and was made with different monster's fangs, and some people used to say that female Liches used them as a comb for their long hair.

Dread doll's Birthday arrived, and he celebrated it with his family: ''Ghost Dad'' ''Banshee Mom'', some Demon Skeleton and Ghouls friends and his Lich cousins. But Dread Doll was amazed to see the gift of his Lich cousin, WAS THE MAXILLA MAXIMUS THAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR!!

He started the search of the new friend and headed Ramoa because rumours used to say that was there where Undead Cavebears used to live sometimes.
Once in Ramoa, arrived at a close area where two bright green eyes appeared in the dark that amazed our friend, Dread Doll.

It was a big bear skeleton, and was as sinister and terrifying as Dread Doll.
Dread Doll offered his Maxilla to the skeleton and the Cavebear understood the gift as a symbol of friendship.
Dread Doll climbed on the back of his new partner, and there started a new story of adventures and jokes, specially AT NIGHTS!

So be careful!
Because this terrifying couple could be behind you right now, thinking about a BIG SCARE OF DEATH!:o

Direct Link:
Created and written by Abistral.
Info: Abistral / Liberty Bay / Aurea

Edited by abistral on 29 June 2012 03:59:24

Posted by Tala The Homeless on 29 June 2012 04:11:28

Who don't wanna be friend with 1 of the foolish members of Cipsoft?

The option is surely easy, Grimrath.

Why Grimrath?
- We saw during Tibia's 15th Anniversary while he was looking like a rat and made an army of hamsters, they are almost funny like mad sheeps. So, why not be best friend with 1 of Grim's hamsters?

Grim's hamster can make you drunk and shoot fire field - Great way to get some food with Dread dolls blades to cook something for dinner after a long foolish day.

Charater: Tala The Homeless / Yalahar

Posted by Van Alexander on 29 June 2012 05:22:27

Van Alexander / Antica / Thais

The grim reaper is the best friend of dread doll why?

Both like the color black and the scythe

Both hide their faces because they are so attractive

Both are mysterious and dangerous

Both like the darkness and they never have fear

and the grim reaper is the best friend is one of the most powerfull monsters he will always protect the dread doll.

hehe i hope that you enjoy my work and happy birthday :)

Srry Because my sheet of paper dont fit 2012 >.<

RL picture

Edited by Van Alexander on 29 June 2012 05:25:21

Posted by James Dark on 29 June 2012 07:21:49

Name James Dark
World Nova
City Port Hope

Well i think a Nightmare would be his best Friend couse Nightmares loyal!
They would do EVERYTHING with dreadoll and he could also ride them if needed!

Edited by James Dark on 29 June 2012 10:33:29

Posted by Scrholl on 29 June 2012 19:03:46

Who would be the best friend for the Dread Doll?

Think in someone who is very funny, very talkative, very active!


The best friend for the Dread Doll would be Homer Simpson! I talked to him in this week and said about the Dread Doll and her lonely life, needing a playmate.

He agreed that the friendship is very important, and said that he will help being friend of the famous Dread Doll.

With Homer there is no secret. All you have to do is to put some beer, and let the talk roll. They will be the best friend forever.
He asked me if he could bring Spiderpig too. I said that there is no problem!

For that, it will be the best anniversary she ever had! They someday may go visit Moe's Bar too, and of course, all Homer's drunk friends.
They should visit Homer's family too. Marge Simpson said that she will be very proud to receive the Dread Doll in his residence.

Homer said too: "D'oh <annoyed grunt>, we should visit my job too. Mr. Burns will be happy to see us!"

All in all, that will be unforgettable!


Posted by Dahlia on 30 June 2012 03:40:11

Giant painter spider!

This is the most talented artist in all Tibian history. Nothing inspires him more than painting his favourite theme: FunTibia's little dread guy, who is also his #1 fan. They share a taste for art and they always have a great time together.

Theirs is an everlasting friendship!

Liberty Bay (Lunara)

Edited by Dahlia on 30 June 2012 03:49:35

Posted by Luzei on 30 June 2012 05:02:15

They say that opposites attract, and it is certainly true in the case of Dread Doll and his Torn Teddy friend. The Torn Teddy helps Dread Doll with tasks that require the use of hands, but unfortunately, the teddy is just so cute that Dread Doll can’t avoid hugging him!
Luckily, Torn Teddy doesn’t mind…he already needs so much sewing and so many patches that he doesn’t mind a few more holes.

*Teddy and Dread doll love pranking people and do everything together... but when its tickle's time... teddy gets a lil bit scared.

-A true friend will never leave you alone.

Happy Anniversary FUNTIBIA!! : )

Character: Luzei
World: Antica
City: Liberty Bay

Posted by jeffstarchips on 30 June 2012 07:03:08

I chose the Medusa to be the friend of Dread Doll .. For nothing better than having a female friendship. They listen more are wiser. The jellyfish is a mystical creature like the Dread Doll. They have so much fun pregrando Iran plays in people. And if you have any enemy to Dread Medusa will turn them into stone. Medusa is very loyal when it needs to be around. She surely will be the best friend in the world!

Posted by daffodillaz on 30 June 2012 07:09:01

well i just realised i forgot the “ Birthday's Contest 2012” phrase, so i am gonna upload my work again.

Let me introduce you, Ferumbras (female doll), since she and Ferumbras (doll) separated their ways long time ago, she feels so alone too. She would be a great company to Dread Doll, as far as i heard real Ferumbras (female) is also really angry that they never made her doll, even though they made his ex-husband's.

Dread Doll and Ferumbras Doll (female) would made the most successful evil allience, and who knows in the end maybe they will even fall for each other o.0 =)

Some people call female ferumbras doll witch doll or summoner doll, so doesnt matter what would be dread doll's best friends name as long as they are getting along well with eachother.


Edited by daffodillaz on 30 June 2012 07:09:55

Posted by jeffstarchips on 30 June 2012 07:17:02

jeffstarchips wrote:
I chose the Medusa to be the friend of Dread Doll .. For nothing better than having a female friendship. They listen more are wiser. The jellyfish is a mystical creature like the Dread Doll. They have so much fun pregrando Iran plays in people. And if you have any enemy to Dread Medusa will turn them into stone. Medusa is very loyal when it needs to be around. She surely will be the best friend in the world!

Posted by jeffstarchips on 30 June 2012 07:23:18

Happy Birthday Funtibia!!!

Posted by Michaldus Faeth on 30 June 2012 10:06:34

I believe that the best friend who can be in a life is to a dog and that better than to a dog with 3 heads and wicked. (Hellhound) Dread Doll and Hellhound were spending good united moments throwing the ball well three balls for every head, also they will be able to do many jokes to the whole world and also it will serve the Dread Doll as transport it will be possible mount on the Hellhound and this way cross the whole world frightening the persons. Hellhound a creature very powerful but little valued by the people but Dread Doll found a great heart in Hellhound.

Michaldus Faeth

Posted by quike87 on 30 June 2012 16:45:46

Happy Birthday Tibiafun!!!
This beautiful doll is called Goldy, and is an amazing and brave warrior who had explored almost every place on Tibia lands, and who knows lots of stories about legendary things on this lands. He met Dread doll exploring the underground caves of darashia, where Dread use to live with the Brotherhood of Bones. Dread doll was impressed by the legendary items that Goldy owns, and when he heard his stories about all his knowledge, he decided to join Goldy on his future missions, so they can be best friends and partners who help each other to succes every challenge that passes trough their way!

Have a nice birthday all the team!!
Zuryhan (Lunara), Venore

Posted by quike87 on 30 June 2012 16:57:29

That's me second choise!
So here it is!!!!!! Nighmty!!!!!!!!!
Dread doll found him investigating the cold mines of Svargrond!!!! When they were in front of each other, they've got surprised because they have the same blades!! It was love at first sight! They were talking about all the things they do with their blades and they were playing a lot, and Nightmy told to Dread that he can gets on his back 'cause he really wants to show every corner in the place he use to live, so after that they became best friends forever !!

I hope you enjoy my pics!
Happy birthday!!!! :D

Zuryhan (Lunara), Venore

Posted by Chinxila felpuda on 30 June 2012 20:36:28

[/img]I think that the Dread Doll's best friend would be Edward Scissorhands, because more than anyone else, he knows how it feels when people stare at you because you have huge blades on your hands; he knows how it feels to be rejected when you want to hug somebody or cuddle them. I guess they both could share a lot of experiences, and the Dred Doll wouldn't feel so alone is this world, it would see that there's always other people that have the same problem (or worse!) and, most importantly, would learn how to cope with it in order to improve its social skills and have a normal life along the Tibian lands, just like every other dolls have!
(sorry for the bad drawing skills!)

Chinxila felpuda

Edited by Chinxila felpuda on 30 June 2012 20:46:57

Posted by Emily Marie on 01 July 2012 01:34:54

Well Ill give it a try and painted something with Pencils instead of PC :)
So well I thought the Dread Dolls best friend could be Hoaxette.
Hoaxette always sells joke items each april too see people fool around with each other and since our Dread Doll loves to joke around that just fits perfect.
She been selling Spellwands, Farting Pillows aswell as Exploding Presents for a while to our Dread Doll now and decided to join our Dread Doll and his fooling around with others to make us all laugh :)

First Pic is when I finished the Pencil part. Second shows the Pic in end stadium little colourd.
Hope you like it :)

Btw its CET time 23.37 now but you page says its 1:37 am so I hope youll count it still.

Emily Sofie
Liberty Bay

Edited by Emily Marie on 01 July 2012 01:37:34

Posted by Dnacron on 01 July 2012 01:58:51
A good company for all parties ... jokes (someone to laugh)
Always smiling and cheerful! Funny jokes! Fun guaranteed!
A floating party!

Posted by jeffstarchips on 01 July 2012 02:09:46

Char: Black Scofield
World: Harmonia
City: Thais

I chose the Grim Reaper because it will be more than a friend to the Dread Doll, are like brothers. For they have many things in common. They are creatures of darkness, both use and sickle will love getting ready together. Nobody can stop this double. They will have so much fun together. For the Grim Reaper is always fair and that he needs Dread Doll is close by. They together form the best friends in the world! Funtibia Congratulations! Bring on more year around!

Posted by Van Alexander on 01 July 2012 02:16:38

Van Alexander/Antica/Thais

This is other work that i did today

Other Friend of dread doll si "the dog" Why?

Is Simple, the dog is the best friend of everybody, they always be with you, they never betray you, they always protect you even with her life XD and sometimes (Very Rare) after you death they protect your graves until the day that them die.

Everybody needs a friend like this xD



Rl Picture:

Posted by Kariel Win on 01 July 2012 06:11:08

-Contest End-