Fansite Appreciation Day 2023 - Tell us a joke!
Leferty on 24 March 2023 11:51:09 · 0 Comments · 3018 Reads
Hey, hey, hello!

FunTibia is teaming up with TibiaLife for Fansite Appreciation Day to give YOU a chance to grab one of our Fansite Items! Dread DollTibiaLife

Tell us a joke!

We're happy to bring you the contest of Tibian jokes! That's right, TIBIAN JOKES. It's time to get your pencil, bite at the tip and start thinking.

We'll accept jokes in the form of a tale, where you tell the whole joke, like this: "A dwarf enters a bar and, jumping in front of the counter, asks: 'Give me a Fanta.' (...) 'Give me a Fanta!' After a while with no response, he complains: 'I'm leaving, no one answers me.' When he passes by the side of the counter on his way out, he sees another dwarf behind the counter, jumping and saying: 'Grape or orange?!'"

And we'll accept jokes in the form of a charade, where you ask a question and gives the answer, like this: "What's is the favorie movies of the pirates of Nargor? 'The Incredible Hook'".
As we can see in the examples, the joke may involve elements from out of Tibia, but it MUST involve elements from inside Tibia.

So, are you ready to makes us laugh? Take inspiration on your favorite comedian and send your submission!

Check for extension of this news for detailed rules, and Fansite Appreciation Day 2023 article on for other contests prepared by different Fansites! Best of luck!


A bit more precise content rules:
  1. Every submission must be sent through TibiaLife discord, and with the character name and server. To send your submission, just click on the button "Enviar Participação / Send Submission" on the message by the Ticket Tool bot on the channel. The bot will create an exclusive text channel where only you and the admin of TibiaLife will be able to see the messages. Now just click on the link #ticket-XXXX that the bot indicated to be redirected to that exclusive text channel and send your submission there.
  2. There's no limit of submissions one can send to the contest, but a person can win only one prize.
  3. You must send a text with a joke or charade, with up to 100 words. If your text is 101 words or more, it'll be disqualified (words will be counted with The joke may involve elements from out of Tibia, but it MUST involve elements from inside Tibia.
  4. Be creative! Even though we're using a system that makes it impossible for a participant to see another participant's submission, we'll still review all suspicions of plagiarism with caution and any infractions will lead to disqualification. The material must be created exclusively for this contest, so stuff sent to other contests won't be accepted.
  5. You're free to write your jokes in English, Portuguese and Polish, but keep in mind that we guarantee English speaking judges only, and, while we'll do our best to translate your joke, language related puns might just not hit as hard.
  6. In case you have any doubts, use the channel "duvidas-questions" on discord to ask your questions.
  7. Please, refrain from sending jokes that contain racism, misogyny, homophobia or any kind of prejudice. These kind of jokes will be ignored.
  8. We're waiting for your entries until 20th of April, 23:59 CEST, and will do our best to communicate winners until end of the month on same discord!
  9. All jokes that meet the entry criteria will be posted on the FunTibia jokes section.
Submission instructions are also available with screenshots on the discord itself, on #duvidas-questions channel.


1st Place:
  • Golden Warrior Trophy
  • + choice between: Dread DollTibiaLifeNightmare Doll
  • + rune embleme of choice.

2nd Place:
  • Silver Warrior Trophy
  • + choice between remaining 2 items.
  • + rune embleme of choice.

3rd Place:
  • Bronze Warrior Trophy
  • remaining item.
  • + rune embleme of choice.

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30 June 2022 06:49:59

21 May 2017 14:36:31
GrinThank you!

21 May 2017 14:02:50
Happy B-Day! Smile

21 May 2016 16:13:31
Happy Birthday FunTibia! Smile

11 April 2016 22:44:06

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