There was a time when Okolnir, the home of frost dragons, was claimed by a single person on my server. I didn't see the guys' letter because I was excited to kill some frosts and I didn't realize it until later. When he saw me killing one of "his frosts", he started attacking my character, a female paladin. Since he had a male character, I told him "You hit girls rl? -.-" and when I said that, he stopped hitting me, and asked me if I was a girl. I said yes, even though I'm not, and he asked for a way to contact me out of the game! I said that I'm an attractive girl and only like talking to attractive guys... and I asked if he was a beautiful guy, and he said: "Soy feo" (I'm ugly). I felt sorry for him but couldn't help laughing at his honest reply. ahsuahsuah