Drama Queen: One day I started walking around Carlin and I realised people had houses! I was amazed that you could have houses and decorate them as you wanted... I bought my first premium because I really wanted a house and the outfits! I still didn't know how to get a house after I bought premium, so I asked my friend to teach me. He told me that I needed to find an empty house and bid on it on the website. I just knew Carlin, so I started walking around and looking if they were empty, but all I saw was "Nobody owns this house". After seeing at least ten houses 'owned' by 'Nobody,' I complained to my friend: "Hey! This Nobody guy has every single house here, can you talk to him and ask to sell me one?" (Pathetic, I know! I didn't really know English and my friend was just making fun of me)! My friend said he would talk to 'Nobody' and he would let me know his answer. I was waiting for almost two weeks when I saw a level 10 walking by depot, his name was "Nobodiy" or "Noboody," to be honest, I don't even remember. Anyway, I basically spammed him asking if he would sell me one of his houses, all he did was send me question marks and copy me the message that I was ignored by him. My friend told me the truth months later... I got really mad because I spent months spamming the poor kid every time he logged in to sell me a house.