Winion: A few months after Dolera was up and running, my friend had me start to play Tibia with him. [...] One day as we were preparing for a trip to the Plains of Havoc, he tosses me a backpack filled with blue runes and told me to use them on myself only against player killers, because they were expensive and it was unnecessary to use an Ultimate Healing rune on myself while fighting cyclops. Still in awe of the runes, I agreed, and we made our way to the hunting grounds. On our way there we passed a then level 68 Xekoroth and his friend Cedas, said "hi" and went on our way. A few minutes later, running a Demon Skeleton with my beastly wand of vortex, I managed to corner myself. I did not have much mana and could only heal a few times with exura. Sure enough, after a few seconds I was dead, dropping an entire backpack of Ultimate Healing runes along with my one and only wand and shield. I told my friend and he said he'd try to get it back but the two high levels we had seen earlier had taken my backpack. Not minutes later did I receive a message from one Xekoroth, asking me why I had died with an entire backpack of UH runes on me. I promptly explained to him that my friend had given them to me for use against PK's only, and he told me not to waste them. Laughing, Xekoroth explained to me that saving yourself from a death is worth much more than a few hundred GP's for a rune.