Oedemus Soldier: I remembered one of my funniest memories of all time, My girlfriend started to play Tibia and it was back at 2009 when she first created her character Yaluxa Lyxnarit. I logged on my rookguard character Oedemus on Rookguard so I could help her out and show her the basics. Everything was fine and going good as I explained everything to her. As I look in my inventory backpack I had an extra leather boots so she could were them. I threw it on the floor so she could pick it up and put the boots on her inventory. I said to her "But on the boots, it is not much but it is a start though." I was waiting for her to pick them up and put them on the inventory but the only thing she did was put them beneath her character. Then I said to her "Hey, why don't you put your boots on?" Then she said to me "don't I have them on?" I began laughing my heart out because she thought that her character had the boots on because they were beneath her.