Karsius: When I first played Tibia, it was back in the 2004, I remember that I used to believe that the monsters were controlled by humans. I remember that I always went to the spot on Rookgaard with the Orc Spearmen and tried to talk to the monsters, saying things like "Hey, come on, I won't tell anyone, I know that you are a human that controls this monster, just please tell me how can I become a monster in Tibia and how much do I get paid for it? I won't tell anyone, I promise!". It didn't work, but after I got some more experience in the game, that you loose your levels and equipment when you die, I even created a new special character to talk to the Rats in the sewers and convince them to tell me how much CipSoft pays them and how can I become one. All the people who were looking at me talking to Rats in the sewers must have had a lot of fun, Hihi. I even asked people in the Help channel about how to become a monster in Tibia and how much do I get paid for this, but the answer was either a laugh, an insult, or just no answer. People thought I was kidding and I was so serious! Oh, and yes, it took me a while to finally understand that monsters in Tibia were monsters, not Humans.