Quotes & Stories: Jokes
What the slime told to cyclops?
What the slime told to cyclops? You're big but you're not 3

Why did the skeleton took the ball to Ghostland?
Why did the skeleton took the ball to Ghostland? To score a "ghoul"

Which creature is always in fashion?
Which creature is always in fashion? The blue "djinns"

What's the air company of tibians?
What's the air company of tibians? WASP

Feed a noob
Give a noob a fish, feed him for a day. Give a noob a fishing rod, he will throw it in the water.

Minotaur is so ugly, so ugly, that when he was born his mother kept screaming, in fear!

Noobs aren't nice... some of them pretend to be nice because they know they run less.

King Cyclops
My grandmother used to say, in blind lands, Cyclops is king.

Who is the richest person in Tibia?
Nobody. "Nobody owns this house" - He has many houses in Tibia.

The apex of business
Saying that you sell stuff only by parcel and the buyer has to send the money first.

Why do orcs have green skin?
Because they ate at Frodo's!

Chuck Norris gets exp from chickens.

No sex in Tibia
Why there is no double beds in Tibia? Because the only way to create new characters is using the official site.

A little joke for a dread doll
a beautiful day. around thais a noob saying, please health potion, and then came a guy and kill him, after complaining the noob ask the reason of death, and the killer said. did not want to heal? then. filled life: D

Why in tibia is no sky? Because Dragons, birds and other monsters would be undeadable

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30 June 2022 06:49:59

21 May 2017 14:36:31
GrinThank you!

21 May 2017 14:02:50
Happy B-Day! Smile

21 May 2016 16:13:31
Happy Birthday FunTibia! Smile

11 April 2016 22:44:06

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