Gamble Nochetio: My first day of Tibia. Long before the tutorial came out. I was playing with my two friends who were veterans of the game. They took me into the rat cave. Like any noob I didn't know how the ladders worked, and tried to click on the ladder itself. Unfortunately, I never learned the error of my ways. One of my friends was impatient and wanted to keep traveling, whilst my other friend was a man of very few words. When I got to my first ladder I couldn't get up. My impatient friend went up ahead. While my other friend simply said "on the square". Instead of clicking on the square, I stood on the square, and clicked the ladder. Meanwhile, my impatient friend got sick of waiting for us and decided to rope me. I thought I used the ladder successfully. So I over-confidently told them that I had mastered the basics of the game and that they could leave me. I spent the next week in the bottom of cave rats.