Me and a friend (Torean) decided to go to Parchment Room and when we got into there, in the teleport part, we saw some hits coming from the parchment room due to a bug, similar to the following screenshots:
So we thought: Ah, there must be someone killing demon there (What a stupid idea, isn't it? With FOUR people online in test server the chance of someone being there was null! :D)
When we went down there were 5 demons and the "hits" we were seeing were nothing but this: :rolleyes:
02:42: A demon was healed for 218 hitpoints by a demon.
02:42: A demon was healed for 242 hitpoints by a demon.
02:42: A demon was healed for 194 hitpoints by a demon.
I started to laugh of the situation amid demons. There was no chance for us. My friend died quickly... :(
02:43: Torean looses 132 mana due to an attack by a demon.
02:43: Torean looses 63 hitpoints due to an attack by a demon.
02:43: Torean looses 115 hitpoints due to an attack by a demon.
02:43: Your party has been disbanded.
And guess what? :D I was trapped for 2 minutes but I managed to survive thanks to the summoned fire elemental!
That's why I have the server log messages saved. This pictures was taken seconds later after we went down:
Private test servers always bring fun! :)