Next week, the test of this year's winter update is coming to a close, and so it is time again to open the
Isle of Merriment for you on Testa, Testera, and Testebra.
Savage beasts and ravenous enemies, among them beloved Ferumbras and the notorious dream crusher
Community Handler 2.0 CipSoft, will be summoned by CMs there. And footballs, of course, to get you in the mood for hopefully exciting matches during the next weeks. So we encourage you to sport the
jersey outfit of your favourite football team to show us which team you are rooting for!
You can also explore the isle, say hello to a few nostalgic fellows, marvel at a display of rare items, and visit our dungeon to see imprisoned villains from your last nightmare.
When? Monday, Nov 21, 2022
Testa: 16:30 until 17:00 CET
Testera: 17:15 until 17:45 CET
Testebra: 18:00 until 18:30 CET
Where? A teleporter will appear south of Thais crossroads several minutes before the start. Just step in to access the Isle of Merriment.
See you there!
Your Community Managers