 Is your depot bursting at the seams, and you fear that you might lose track of things? Fear no more. A convenience feature that will come with the summer update might be just what you have been waiting for. The Search Locker widget will receive a filter option, in which you can select trader NPCs like Rashid, the Djinns, as well as Esrik. The feature works similar to the stash search option.
 Talking about NPCs. Further convenience features await you in that regard. First of all, a search field will be available to search through all goods the NPCs has in stock. This field can be hidden in case it should bother you. Also, you can buy or sell much larger amounts of stackable items at once. The limit will be raised from 100 to 10,000. No worries, there will be a warning if you try to buy or sell something over 100 times to avoid unforgiveable mistakes. It is in your hands and thus at your own risk if you disable the warning. Please note that the limit of items that are not stackable will not be changed.
In order to make your Tibian life even more comfortable, another convenience feature will enrich the summer update. Items that have a certain amount of charges, or effects that last for a certain duration, will receive an indicator to inform you about how much time or how many charges are left, if they have been in use. You can determine in the settings if you would like to  see this indicator on items that you have equipped only, or also on all items in your backpack. You can also choose not to display this indicator at all. In order to avoid misunderstandings: Please note that the duration of imbuements is not covered by this indicator.
Last but not least, adjustable arcs round up today's outlook on convenience features that will be added to Tibia in this year's summer update.
A few options will be added to the arcs that display your mana and hitpoints. You will be able to set their opacity, as well as the distance of the arcs, and you will be able to choose between three different sizes. If you want your arcs to be displayed just like they are now, after the update, medium will be the option that you need to choose. You can also choose a smaller or a larger version. Whatever suits your taste best. If you have not used arcs up to now, give it a try, maybe you like what you see. If you don't, you can of course keep on using bars, nothing will be changed about that.
We hope that these convenience features will be welcomed additions!
Your Community Managers
Upcoming later this week: Stay tuned to enjoy a page of the Diary of Amaro De Quester. He has been travelling again and discovered mysterious places.
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 Attention, fellow Tibians! Three new game worlds are about to be launched!
Next week, on Tuesday, June 14, we plan to set up three new Open PvP game worlds:
Castela (EU), Axera (NA), Bombra (SA)
These worlds will be protected by BattlEye and will be blocked for character world transfers for a significant amount of time. Please note, though, that depending on how their populations evolve, it may still be possible that these worlds will be opened for transfers or even be merged with other worlds at some point of time.
Initially, only Premium accounts will be able to play on Castela, Axera and Bombra.
Into the fray!
Your Community Managers
What is this about, you wonder?
What kind of creature is this snake-like looking being?
Did you see these genius decorations on the stairs? Or are these ramps? Who made them, you ask?
Where is this place?
You would like to know if you can get there, too?
You can find all answers to these questions, and a lot more in our newest featured article. Prepare yourself to Meet the Nagas!
See you in Marapur!
Your Community Managers
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Double XP/Skill and Double Loot Weekend
 Are you looking for an opportunity to level up, improve your skills and gain more loot? A double XP/skill and a double loot weekend is coming! So sharpen your weapons and stock up your potions, a weekend full of excessive monster slaughtering is waiting for you!
Between the server saves of June 03 and June 06, all monsters will yield twice the usual amount of experience  points, and your skill training, including magic level, will advance twice as fast. The skill progress when training offline will also be doubled. In addition, you have the chance to collect double the amount of loot from every monster you kill. Do not forget to check your prey bonus as well or you might miss even higher drop chances on your prey monsters!
Have fun,
Your Community Managers
 As of today's server save, you can exchange your Theons for party items related to Tibia's 25th anniversary at NPC Theodora near the bridge to the Rain Castle in Thais.
Characters who collected less than 7197 Theons will receive one of the following reward boxes depending on their Theon balance.
Less than 1000 Theons: Small reward box with 4x anniversary food, 1x balloon box, 1x luminous box, 1x carpet box, and 1x special fx box. This box has a value of 1615 Theons. All of their Theons will be deducted in exchange for it.
Less than 7197 Theons: Reward box with 8x anniversary food, 2x balloon box, 2x special balloon box, 1x luminous box, 2x carpet box, 2x special carpet box, 3x special fx box, 1x supernatural box, 1x embroidered box, and 2x box full of presents. This box has a value of 8080 Theons. All of their Theons will be  deducted in exchange for it.
Characters who collected 7197 or more Theons will receive a big reward box which includes the reward box plus the 25th anniversary backpack. 7197 Theons will be deducted from their balance and they will gain access to Theodora's wares to exchange the rest of their Theons for items of their choice.
In addition to what could already be obtained during the festivities in January, Theodora also offers a few new anniversary items: 25 years balloons in blue and purple, number balloons, a lucky dragon pet, and a rainbow torch.
NPC Theodora and the option to trade Theons for items will remain in the game.
Have fun!
Your Community Managers
 Tibians, the Pantibian Festival was truly a unique and amazing event for all of us here at CipSoft. We had a blast and we will relish this memory and hold it dear. We would like to thank each and every Tibian who was a part of this experience, including the thousands of viewers who followed it via streams. We want to share a couple of behind-the-scenes impressions with you, check the Tibia facebook page for a few more.
We also want to share this with you: The founders Durin, Guido, Stephan and Steve were so eager and excited while playing, and they were incredibly curious, we felt like in a bee hive. In our first internal test run with them, for example, they immediately stormed to places they were not supposed to explore yet. It was great, and it reminded us of you, Tibians, the true heroes of this fantastic journey which started in 1997.
Tibia unites us in a very special way, across borders and nations, and despite the differences in opinion we may have every once in a while, we all care deeply about Tibia which makes us all part of something greater. Thank you!
 Also, we decided to send the souvenir to all characters who were invited to the Pantibian Festival and who did not get disqualified. The Pantibian Amphora will be sent to the inbox of those characters in the course of the next week, and it will be signed in a special way.
The Theon exchange will also be implemented next week so stay tuned!
Long live Tibia!
Your Community Managers
Streamers for Pantibian Festival
 The Pantibian Festival is close! On Wednesday, May 18, Tibia's founders will meet up with players on Panthena, Panthera and Panthebra in celebration of Tibia's 25th anniversary.
Today, we want to provide you with a list of Tibia streamers who applied to participate in the festival to stream it for all Tibians and were selected based on their application.
Please note that none of these streamers is officially affiliated or partnered with CipSoft. We assume no liability for their content and we cannot guarantee that each of them will actually attend and stream the event.
Panthena, 19:00 CEST |
Panthera, 20:15 CEST |
Panthebra, 21:30 CEST |
Getshock Divinity:
Fake Addled:
Vda Pedro Assombrando:
Mighty Rune:
Phoemix assesinno:
Spell Boy:
Severus Archer:
We hope that the event will be a memorable experience for all participants and viewers, and we are looking forward to celebrating Tibia, the game which unites us and which we all hold dear, at the Pantibian Festival!
Save the date!
Your Community Managers
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