New mounts have arrived in the Store today!
No mountain is too high, no wall too steep to climb for the agile Poppy, Mint and Cinnamon Ibex. They keep their balance on the thinnest of ledges, so you will never stumble, slip or go flying off the edges. Moreover, these sturdy fellows certainly know how to make an entrance as they dive down from the highest peaks and attack opponents with their impressive horns. And if you dare to call them a wild goat, they might kick you with their legs.
Once bought, your character can use the mount ingame anytime, no matter if you are a free account or a Premium account.
Saddle up!
Your Community Managers
Sneak Peek on Pantibian Festival
 At the Pantibian Festival, the founders of Tibia will take on a playful obstacle course with 150 players and selected streamers who could also nominate a friend.
The event will take place on the three special game worlds on May 18, 2022. Depending on the location they qualified for, invited players will be able to log in shortly before the Pantibian Festival starts on their world:
- Panthena (EU): 19:00 CEST
- Panthera (NA): 20:15 CEST
- Panthebra (SA): 21:30 CEST
The Pantibian Festival is a unique get-together to have some fun in celebration of Tibia's 25th anniversary. On each of the three worlds, the event will last for about 45 minutes. The first 30 minutes are spent in the obstacle course which focuses on good timing and quick thinking. It has been created for this special purpose and will only be available during the festival.
The notorious Lord Retro has put a spell on the founders of Tibia and turned them against everyone who dares to enter his playground. He sealed off the streets of Thais and strips intruders of all their items and their spells. As a master of the art of deceleration, he also makes them experience again how it feels to walk slowly instead of running like a lightning bolt.
The only way to free Durin, Guido, Stephan and Steve from Lord Retro's grasp is to make them remember by overcoming the obstacle course together. Here is a glimpse on the challenges that are waiting for the participants:
Running the Gauntlet |
Do you dare to reach for the rare? |
Piece it together |
Passing on the Flame |
It's the Wurst |
There is a way through if you know how to look. |
Giving in to temptation comes with a risk. |
A step into a puddle can be a part of the big picture. |
Push through and keep the flame burning. |
Stay hungry with heavenly sauces to gobble up the Wurst. |
 After beating the course, founders and players will gather in King Tibianus' throne room to wrap up the event and pose for some screenshots. For this part, players will get back their items and spells so they can hold their ground in case the founders feel inclined to conjure some special guests. Moreover, a particular display in the throne room holds an exceptional surprise for those who click on it.
Throughout the event, participants are able to get their hands on a few iconic things. Some Tibian dreams may come true, at least for a few moments. Alas, such exquisite blessings are fleeting like a passing mist. We want to emphasise that everything players can obtain during the Pantibian Festival is only temporarily bestowed on their character there for the time of the event.
However, invited players who positively participated in the festival will receive a special decorative souvenir to keep this unique event in a lasting memory. This tradeable item will be delivered to their inbox about one week after the Pantibian Festival took place. At that time, we will also implement the opportunity to exchange Theons for deco items related to the 25th anniversary, including several new items.
On May 16, we will publish a list of the invited streamers and their channels so Tibians can follow the event on their preferred streaming platform.
Get ready!
Your Community Managers
You have bested Ferumbras, fought your way through the depths of Zarganash. Your body is covered with countless battle scars and there are rumours that you practically live in the Secret Library. Everyone in town knows your name and even the towncryer is telling stories about your heroic deeds? You must be a tough hero! But have you ever passed the hardest challenge of all...? Have you ever taken care of a baby?
 Once again, a stressed out demon mother needs help. She is looking for voluntary babysitters to help her with her swarm of babies.
Today, the world event "Demon's Lullaby" starts again. Time for you to prove your courage and your babysitting skills. Travel to the Jakundaf Desert and offer your help to the overworked demon mother. But be warned, even though the babies are cute, they are still demons. Seize your opportunity, since their mother will only entrust you with one of her babies – once. So you better give your best to cater to the numerous whims the demon baby may have. Get your baby in time in order to be able to show that you can handle any task the baby throws at you. It will probably not always be easy to satisfy a crying demon baby but if you manage this challenge and return the cute little rascal cheerfully to its mommy you will receive an adorable reward.
In addition, if your game world returns enough satisfied babies to the demon mother until May 14, server save, she will reward the world with an experience bonus of 50% until May 21.
Welcome to parenthood!
Your Community Managers
Double XP and Double Skill Weekend
 Are you looking for an opportunity to level up and improve your skills? A double XP and double skill weekend is coming! So sharpen your weapons and stock up your potions, a weekend full of excessive monster slaughtering is waiting for you!
Between the server saves of May 06 and May 09, all monsters will yield twice the usual amount of experience points, and your skill training, including magic level, will advance twice as fast. The skill progress when training offline will also be doubled.
Have fun,
Your Community Managers
Official Release of Tibia Observer App
 Dear Tibians,
We are happy to inform you that the Tibia Observer app is now officially released and available for download in the Google Play store. We have also submitted it to Apple so it will hopefully be available in the App Store soon.
 The Tibia Observer is a notification app that will support you in your Tibia activities. You can set up in-app and push notifications for various aspects of Tibia to keep yourself informed about things which matter to you.
- Useful Char Info: Is your character still online training? Have you collected your daily reward? Is your stamina full? And what is today's boosted creature? Tibia Observer's dashboard shows it all at a glance.
- Raids: Let yourself be notified about raid announcements from the Cyclopedia map if you have unlocked the respective area.
- Events: The app can remind you about upcoming boost events such as double XP/skill, as well as world events.
- Char Bazaar: Create a search for characters you are interested in and receive a notification once a fitting auction is up.
- Offline Training: Optimise your offline training by staying notified about your characters training time pool.
- Mini World Changes: Get informed about active mini world changes on server save.
- Houses: The Tibia Observer can let you know when your dream house is up for auction.
- News and Forum: Stay up to date on latest news, replies in one of your own threads and follow the CM tracker.
Tibia Observer is safe to use. No password or other sensitive data is needed and stored on your smartphone. Instead, the app is linked to your account via a token which is generated in the "Tibia Observer" section in your account management on the Tibia website. That is all which is needed to begin using the app. This link can also be revoked again at once through the account management. Your account can only be connected to one installation of the Tibia Observer at a time. You can link up to three accounts to one such installation. More information on the app can also be found in the respective FAQs.
 All players who have already been using Tibia Observer during the beta phase need to update their app via Google Play store.
Get your Tibia Observer Gift
To celebrate the release of the Tibia Observer app, NPC Gaberiel has arrived at Harbour Place in Thais to hand out a decorative Tibia Observer tapestry to every Tibian who stops by and greets him. He will be in town till June 01, server save. The tapestry can be claimed once per character.
Keep track of your chars!
Your Community Managers
Exaltation Forge II: Product Managers' Insight
 Dear Tibians,
we, Tibia's product managers, want to provide you with a follow-up on our first product managers' insight article in December 2021 in which we explained our goals and hopes for the Exaltation Forge. This time, we want to take a look at how the forge has been used by you since release on November 11, 2021, and its impact on the game till April 02, 2022.
Over the course of these 125 days, players from all game worlds and levels have started to interact with the forge, be it by turning dust to slivers and selling these slivers to other players or by using the collected dust to forge more powerful items. Now let's get into the actual numbers:
We have tracked a staggering total of 64,235 fusion attempts over all worlds, all classifications and all tiers. There has been one successful attempt at creating a tier 7 item as well as seven attempts to create a tier 6 item. Through all these attempts you also discovered that there is a chance for a bonus event to happen. As of now, seven distinct types of events have been triggered. Some of them more often, some less than 10 times. The second feature of the forge is the option to transfer tiers from one item to another. We have tracked 1,260 transfers over the aforementioned time period. Most of them were done to put tiers onto Soul War items. This is working as we expected it to work.
In addition to the forge itself, there were some changes that impact every player when hunting: The implementation of influenced and fiendish monsters as well as the Find Fiend spell. We are happy to see that fiend hunting has become an alternative way of making profit while being, for the most part, less demanding than a normal hunt. With that being said you have killed over half a million fiends, be it by accident or actively tracking them down. On top of that, over 20 million influenced monsters have been slain. All this dust has either been used to activate forge features or has been converted to slivers. In total, you have created 137,784 exalted cores of which 91.45% have been used in the forge while fusing or transferring.
For considering the impact, we first have to look at the goals we set ourselves. As said in the first product managers' insight:
"We were looking for a feature which would appeal to and benefit a broad player base across all levels for years to come. We also wanted to curb the considerable gold inflation in Tibia by introducing a new, strong gold sink."
The first goal of benefiting a broad player base has been met from our point of view. Between tens of thousands of fusions attempts and millions of killed influenced monsters we think that the largest part of the active player base has interacted with the system in at least one way and will keep on interacting with it in the foreseeable future.
Regarding the second goal of introducing a strong gold sink we again have to check some numbers. For this, let’s look at the price of one Tibia Coin when traded in the Market. The median over all worlds was ~34,000 gold on the day before the release of the Exaltation Forge, with some worlds having reached a price of over 40,000 gold.
125 days later this price has dropped considerably to ~25,500 gold with not a single world exceeding 33,000 gold. Interestingly enough, that is a drop of exactly 25%. We are happy that it worked out like this and that the Exaltation Forge has established itself as the second highest source of gold spending, and thus even surpassing the imbuement system. Furthermore, the usage of the forge is trending upwards.
We are very satisfied with the impact of the forge so far, both as a tool for spending gold and as a way to spice up ingame activities by having to face or intentionally seeking out influenced and fiendish monsters. We will keep on monitoring the system, of course, but at this point of time we do not have any concrete plans for changing or expanding it yet.
Best regards,
Niadus and Tusius
Info on the Pantibian Festival
 Tibians, we are happy to announce the date we have set for the Pantibian Festival during which the founders of Tibia, Durin, Guido, Stephan and Steve, will play through a fun obstacle course together with selected streamers and the ambitious warriors who qualified for the event through the Pantheon.
We plan to host the event on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, in the evening at some point after 18:00 CEST. The specific times for the special European, North-American and South-American world will be provided in due time. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the date may still be subject to change.
Attention, participants! The character backup for this event will be taken on April 28, 10:00 CEST. Keep in mind that you will have to use your email address and password of this date to access the special worlds which will be put up for this event.
It will not be possible to access your depot or your Store inbox during the Pantibian Festival. So for the date of the character backup, all participants of the event are advised to put the items they want to bring into their inventory (body slots including backpack). The Pantibian Festival is not about fire power but rather a playful get-together with the founders. Nonetheless, a special NPC will be available to hand out resources such as runes, potions, ammunition, rings and amulets.
Shortly before the event, we will provide a sneak peek on the fun challenges that are waiting to be conquered by the participating Tibians with - or maybe sometimes against - the founders. We will also give you a list of all invited streamers including links to their channels in advance so every Tibian who wants to watch the event can check it out on Twitch, Youtube or Booyah!
We're looking forward to the Pantibian Festival!
Your Community Managers
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